Creating PlayerEatEvent into CraftBukkit and calling it

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jessy1237, Jul 8, 2012.

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    Well i have created some code for a PlayerEatEvent but the event isn't being called. It's probably because the ItemFood in the minecraftserver classes take care of food and bukkit doesn't touch it or i've done something terribly wrong. Everything compiled find through maven though also the CraftBukkit jar runs fine as well and plugins work.

    Here is the PlayerEatEvent (In Bukkit.jar also in compiled CraftBukkit.jar): Here

    Here is the Edited part of CraftPlayer (In CraftBukkit.jar): Here

    Here is the edited CraftEventFactory (In CraftBukkit.jar): Here

    Here is the EventHandler part in the plugin: Here
    The onPlayerEat is just above onPlayerFish at the bottom.

    All my other events call fine its just this new event i'm trying to implement into bukkit and craftbukkit.

    Thanks in advance,
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