Creating and Using SQLite

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Liger_XT5, Oct 28, 2011.

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    I'm working on my first plugin and been trying to figure out how to set up SQLite, yet I don't see any articles here on how to start.

    The plugin I'm slowly working on is ClothierShop.

    The idea I'm using for the database is storing each player's details of the skin item choices.
    The only listing I am using for starters are Player Name, Default Skin ID, Bought Head, Bought Torso, Bought Pants, and Bought Feet.

    Other than name and ID, the rest are ints.

    I was originally going to do a simple text file listing the Name, Default ID, and in strings for each piece be something like 00,05,07,15 and so on. Then the plugin would just check to see if the user's selection ID is listed, if so, he has already bought it and doesn't need to buy it again.

    In simple terms, I'm just keeping track of who has bought what of each piece of the skins.
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