(CraftEmblem) Level up for Weapons/Tools/Items and Rewards

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jonoce633, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Offline


    PluginCategory: Role Playing, General, Fun
    Suggested Name: CraftEmblem
    What I want:
    Idea: Players earn emblems (a label next to their display name) and rewards for completing the maximum level of a tier, skill, class or whatever it can be called.​

    Players can only use an item when they have reached the required level for that item. Experience can be earned by using a lower level item in its tier.​
    For example, the required level for using a stone sword is 10. By default, players can use a wood sword without any restrictions. So in order to use stone swords, wood swords would have to be used until you earn enough experience to get you to level 10 in that tier. Any items that aren't used in the plugin won't be restricted but won't earn any experience for any tiers/skills.​

    Tiers or Skills (or whatever you wanna call it) are customazible and can be created. A default or starting item to level up in that tier can be chosen by setting it at level 1. Each tier has its own level capacity in which the player stops leveling and masters the skill. Players also receive a reward for mastering that skill, a badge or emblem which would display next to their name! (just a name, not an actual item. for ex: woodcutting would display [{<(WCM)>}] for woodcutting master) They can also earn money and items to make it more rewarding. How much experience each item gives for that tier is also customizable. Overall experience in which all the levels' required experience add up to. Experience modifier, based on a formula, to make it easier to level up at beginning levels but harder at higher levels.​

    Experience is earned depending on the items usage and how the tier is designed. Swords earn experience through damaging and killing mobs but not breaking or placing blocks, although they can if you wish. (The reason for exp also earned through damaging is so that players don't steal most of the exp that the other player deserves. Maybe another solution for this, is that if a player damages a mob/player, the player ''tags'' the target. When the target dies, the experience is divided by the amount of tags and given to the players.).

    Axes earn experience through cutting wood. But axes can also earn exp through damaging and killing. And so can something wierd like wood planks. It only earns exp for the tier it is in through its Action. For example, axes can be in two tiers. It can be in weapons and woodcutting. In weapons, you would need to be at level 45 to kill mobs/players with a diamond axe. In woodcutting, you can use it to break logs if your woodcutting tier/skill/class (whatevers the best name for this) level is at 30. Killing mobs with a diamond axe only earns exp for weapons but breaking logs only earns for woodcutting.​

    Example Config:
    MultipleEmblems: false (If it shall display multiple emblems or just a chosen one.)
    <not sure if tier or skills would be the best name for this, but maybe skills would be best>
    Emblem: &6[{<(WM)>}] (displays this emblem at master level, the last level, with color code support please! :))
    Description: Weapons slay the beasts and kill the weak!​
    Rewards: (rewards for mastering skill)
    money: 3000 (money earned, disabled if an economy plugin isn't present)
    diamond_sword: 1 (item and amount)
    diamond_chestplate: 1​
    diamond: 3​
    LevelCapacity: 100​
    OverallExp: 10,000​
    <expmodifier, not really sure about formula, I'm not experienced in it much>
    ExpModifier: 1.0​
    Killing: (this tier restricts killing/damaging with these items until its level is achieve.)
    wood_sword: 1 (default)
    stone_sword: 10 (level required to use. Once this level is achieve, the player gets a message that he/she is 'trained' enough to use this.)
    iron_sword: 25​
    gold_sword: 40​
    diamond_sword: 50​
    wood_axe: 1​
    stone_axe: 5​
    iron_axe: 15​
    gold_axe: 30​
    diamond axe: 45​
    wood_planks: 60 (just like this lol)
    Exp: (the blocks/mobs/items that give experience)
    <action>(the action that gives exp for this tier. Actions are using/breaking/placing/killing/crafting as well)
    Zombie: 10 (amount of exp earned for killing a zombie. Exp earns for damaging are a percentage of the kill)
    Dmg: 2 (total exp earned is 20, assuming it dies in 5 hits if you killed it by yourself. If Jim hits it 3 times, Bob hits it twice. Jim earns kill divided by tags plus hits. x=k/t + h. pretty simple so he would earn 11 and Bob would earn 9. Exp for damaging is earned immediatly though, not after the kill.)
    Skeleton: 30​
    Dmg: 2 (dies in 15 hits. so total would 70)
    Creeper: 10​
    Dmg: 3​
    Player: 50 (for PvP)
    Dmg: 5​

    Emblem: &6[{<(WCM)>}]​
    Description: Timber!​
    money: 1000​
    diamond_axe: 2​
    log: 128​
    LevelCap: 50​
    OvarallExp: 5000​
    ExpModifier: 1.2 (depending on the formula, this value changes the differences in difficulty to level up between first and last levels. ex: level 2 = 10 but level 40 = 650.)
    Using: (these items can't break blocks until their requiered level is achieve)
    wood_axe: 1​
    stone_axe: 5​
    iron_axe: 10​
    gold_axe: 20​
    diamond axe: 30​
    Breaking: (can't break these blocks until level is achieved)
    log: 1​
    17:1: 15​
    17:2: 8​
    17:3: 25​
    Breaking: (earn exp breaking these blocks)
    log: 2​
    17:1: 3​
    17:2: 5​
    17:3: 3​
    leaves: 1​
    Placing: (exp for placing these)
    sapling: 2​
    6:2: 5​

    Emblem: [{<(BM)>}]​
    Description: Build yourself a house!​
    LevelCap: 10​
    OverallExp: 1000​
    ExpModifier: 1.0​
    wood: 1​
    wood_stairs: 2​
    brick: 4 (can't place blocks until level 4)
    wood_stairs: 2​
    brick: 4 (can't craft brick until level 4)
    wood: 1​
    wood_stairs: 2​
    brick: 5​
    wood_stairs: 2​
    brick: 4 (can't craft brick until level 4)

    Ideas for Commands:
    Basic Commands: These commands are given to players by default.​
    /CraftEmblem or /ce
    (Displays basic commands for players)
    /ce skills
    (Displays tiers/skills.)
    /ce <skillname>
    (Displays current level/master level, experience/experience to next level.)
    /ce <skillname> info
    (Displays info about skill including items and their use [actions] for that tier [using/breaking/placing/killing/crafting], how exp is earned [using/breaking/placing/killing/crafting] and the emblem, items and money earned at the master level. Also displays description.)
    /ce <skill> emblem
    (Displays which mastered skills' emblem displays next to the player's name, since having multiple displaying at the same time may get annoying. Also an option to have multiple emblems display if the host decides to.)
    /ce <playername> emblems
    (Request to display which skills the player has mastered with the emblems displayed aside. If a player name isn't written, then it will display your own emblems.)
    /ce <accept/deny>
    (Accept or deny player's request to view own emblems.)
    Admin Commands: Only ops and admins may use these commands.​
    /ce admin
    (Displays admin commands.)
    /ce admin level <skill> <playername> <level>
    (Changes player's level to the assigned skill.)
    /ce admin <player> emblems
    (View a player's emblems.)
    /ce admin <player> <skill>
    (Displays player's skill info [just level and experience until the next level]. Not the same as /ce admin level which changes a player's skill level.)
    /ce admin reload
    (Reloads plugin's configurations.)

    Ideas for Permissions:
    Basic Permissions:
    craftemblem.basic - Permission for /craftemblem and /ce
    craftemblem.skills - Permission for /ce skills
    craftemblem.skillname.(skillname) - Permission for specified skill /ce <skillname>
    craftemblem.skillname.* - Allows to display some info for all skills
    craftemblem.skill.info - Permission for /ce <skill> info
    craftemblem.emblem.(skillname) - Permission to display specied skill emblem /ce <skill>
    craftemblem.request - Permission for /ce <player> emblems and /ce <accept/deny>

    Admin Permissions:
    craftemblem.admin - Permission for /ce admin
    craftemblem.admin.level - Permission for /ce admin level <skill> <player> <level>
    craftemblem.admin.emblems - Permission for /ce admin <player> emblems
    craftemblem.admin.skill - Permission for /ce admin <player> <skill>
    craftemblem.admin.reload - Permission /ce admin reload

    Other Ideas: A file to configure messages displayed in the chat box with color codes. And to be able to disable a message with '' ('no message in between quotes').
    For example:
    # must be the actual name for the class.
    #<player> is player name, <source> is item,mob or block name, <level> is level, <skill> is skill name, <action> is action. <exp> is experience earned​
    # type '' to disable this message.​
    LevelUp: 'Level Up! Your &e<skill> &fskill is now level &e<level>&f!'​
    ItemLevelRequirementMet: 'You are now trained enough to use &e<source>!'​
    EarnedExp: '' (players wont get annoyed of constant msgs in their chatbox. And if it was enable than. EarnedExp: 'You earn <exp> for <action> <source>!')
    EmblemRequest: '&6<player> &fis requesting to see your emblems. Do you accept?'​
    EmblemRequestAccept: 'type &e/ce accept &fto accept!'​
    EmblemRequestDeny: 'type &e/ce deny &fto deny!'​
    LevelMastered: 'Congratulations! You have mastered &e<skill>&f! You have earned an Emblem for your hard work and some rewards too!'​
    ItemUseRestricted: 'You are not trained enough for this yet!'​
    BlockBreakRestrict: 'You don't know how to break <source>s yet!'​
    BlockPlaceRestrict: 'You don't know how to place <source>s yet!'​
    CraftRestrict: 'You don't know how to craft <source>s yet!'​

    BlockCheating: Prevent players from cheating by placing a block and then destroying it for cheap experience. Add a cooldown to which players won't earn experience from breaking blocks they have just placed.
    When I'd like it by: In a minute or so, just kidding. Maybe by the end of this month or next. The sooner the better :)
    If you do end up making this plugin, I would like to thank you very much. I would love for this to happen and I hope people like it and download it. Please let it be as accurate as possible!

  2. Offline


    sooo...a Jobs plugin?XD
  3. Offline


    Well, sort of but it's not job related. It's level based. Just like an RPG. Once the player masters a skill, he earns an emblem that he can show off to other player's by his display name. I believe it's called a prefix.

    But what's different in this one, then other RPG plugins, is that it restricts weapon, tool and block use until the required level is achieved. Also, you can create and customize skills. I don't know if this is possible though, so it would helpful if someone would let me know what can and cannot be done.

    Woah I just had a dejavu while writing this! haha

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