Craftbukkit uses 6 times more RAM than minecraft?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 1101001, Aug 6, 2012.

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    Is this right? Because that is a hell of a lot, when i start up my server on craftbukkit.jar (1.2.5-R5.0) it uses 30% and with plain old minecraft-server.jar (1.3) it uses 5%. Just wondering if this is normal, and how i can reduce this massive amount if it isn't normal (If it is normal i don't want to be told to download NoLagg or whatever, i'm just asking if it is abnormal, ie. my VPS is set up wrong).
  2. Offline


    Are you talking about 1.3.1 using more than 1.2.5? It seems that way to me too. I'm seeing at least double the ram consumption. Its maxing my ram from startup even with 0 people on, I start getting the "can't keep up" messages.
  3. Offline


    Not really, what i meant was the difference between the normal minecraft and craftbukkit, i just gave 2 different versions as an example because bukkit don't have a stable build for 1.3.1 out yet
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