craftbukkit command

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hacky93, Jan 20, 2011.

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  1. is there any way to ban the name and the ip ingame? because i allways have to copy the ip and paste it in the banned-ips.txt
  2. Offline


    If you type "/ban-ip <IP>" then yeah, so long as you're an OP. Alternately, you can type "help" into the server dialogue and it'll show you a list of commands. So long as you're an OP, then you can use most/all of these commands from in the game by putting a slash in front of them.
    That said, Bukkit is still a little funny in this area, and those commands don't work every time. If it doesn't do anything, just try again.
  3. ty :D i tried allways /banip :D , but there is no way to see the ip ingame without a plugin?
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