Could use some texture related help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Codex Arcanum, Oct 26, 2011.

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    Codex Arcanum

    First off, a link to my plugin, here.

    I would like to add textures for the items my plugin adds (with Ultraitems), but I have zero texturing experience, and no good pixel-art programs to do it with. In case you didn't click the link above, my plugin adds a group of dowsing rods (which can be set to Ultraitems), wooden, stone, iron, gold, obsidian (just because), and diamond.

    Here I have the picture I cobbled together in an hour or so, wrestling with Gimp.
    Anyone who can post images for the other kinds would be thanked profusely and credited on the plugin page.

    Edit: Never mind, ForeverEternal just sent me some amazing sprites I think I'll use.
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