Solved Console paying in-game players

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OPsteffOP, Jan 25, 2016.

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    I trying to make a plugin that gives donators DTokens.
    This command must be executed from my console but this doesn't work.
    Can someone help me?


    (Sorry for bad english, I'm dutch)

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    if(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender){
    ConsoleCommandSender console = Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender();
    I am not sure if you can use permissions with the console. I just tend not to as if the sender is the console then he has full control over permissions and ops
  3. Offline


    Thanks for your reply but the command still doesn't work :/
  4. Offline


    Yes, the console has every permission.

    • You do not need to check if the args length are 0 or 1. Simply put the following:
    If (args > 1){
    //Do stuff
    • You don't null check to make sure those players/tokens actually exist.
    • You never save the config.
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  6. Offline


    ColouredConsoleSender cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player

    DO NOT BLIND CAST! Check to make sure the sender is actually a player before casting
  7. Offline


    But the sender must be the console. I'm really sorry but I'm new to bukkit plugins and I'm trying to learn it.
    I tried to add if(t instanceof Player){ but this didn't work.
  8. Offline


    What you said does not follow what you put down. What you are doing here is checking if "t" (which should have a more descriptive name) is a player, but you want to check if it's the console.

    BTW: Looking at the code you provided, you reference a "p" as though it's a player, but what you posted does not contain the creation of "p". You are not showing your full code. Please post your full code, and don't create the player instance until you know the sender is a player.

    Then you should take a look at this, because this is not a bukkit problem, this is a problem with Java. Please pick one of the tutorials from the link below, takes some time to learn Java, and come back. If you learn Java first, everything about bukkit will make sense.
  9. Offline


    Ow sorry, "t" = target (Player)
    I have to send DTokens with a command that only can be executed from console to "t" (target)
    The target player is the player who bought those DTokens

    And "p" = sender (Player)
    Used if a player tried to execute this command.

    I'm trying to make it that only the console can execute this command and give "t" the amount of DTokens he paid for.

    Btw thanks for helping me and I'll take a look at that java link

  10. Offline


    public boolean onCommand(....){
    Player p = (Player)sender;
    Aaand there's your problem. Your not even checking if the sender is actually a player before casting. You are blindly casting a sender to a Player (Blind Casting). Please check if the sender is actually an instanceof player before casting.

    The thing is though, you also have this line in your onCommand
    public boolean onCommand(...
    Player p = (Player)sender;
    if(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender){
    How can sender be both a player and a console? You may want to look over your encapsulation some more.
  11. Offline


    Oww thank you soo much!!!
    You really helped me alot!!

    I fixed it and it works :)
    Thank you!!! :D
  12. Offline


    Can you mark this thread as solved?
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