Connection Time Out for anybody trying to connect to server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Drunken_Platypus, Jun 6, 2011.

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  1. Players cannot connect to my server while I'm running it through the Command Prompt (cmd). I followed all steps correctly, but they still cannot connect. They can, however, connect perfectly when I use the vanilla minecraft server program.

    Any help is appreciated, as I've been dealing with this problem for a long time.
  2. Offline


    Do you have a port specified other than 25565? If so, they have to type it in and you have to forward it.
  3. No sir, I have changed nothing that didn't need to be changed. I can't figure out why, but it DID work for a while yesterday.
  4. Offline


    what exactly did you type in cmd?or how exactly did you do it?u created a batch file that says what?

    post it here
  5. I created a .bat file that said:
    SET BINDIR=%~dp0
    CD /D "%BINDIR%"
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    I removed the PAUSE command that was in the default version, as I hated having to press one extra key. haha
  6. Offline


    XD...but it will tell prolly tell you what or why your friends cant join?
    try putting the pause command at the last one..and let see whats it gotta say
  7. Hmm okay I'll try that just for S's and G's.

    It tells them Connection Timed out.

    And for me it just says Connection Reset (it says that in the console)

    Anyone wanna help me test it by the way?
  8. Offline


    hmmm....can you upload your whole server folder via media fire?
    "i'll see what i can do"
  9. Sure man.

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2016
  10. Offline


    Oh my God I have the same exact problem except I can connect unlike you, It used to work but now it doesen't. When I type localhost in it connects, but even on another computer in the same house, it wont work.
    SirKevinTa likes this.
  11. Exactly, I can connect using Localhost. Actually I was able to connect using my bro's laptop, but my friends cannot connect.
  12. Offline


    u didnt put your ip address in the u should portforward 25565 to your ip-address too
  13. Offline


    I don't understand most of this gibberish but i too am having the same difficulties. I downloaded a "newb friendly" Craftbukkit :p
  14. Offline


    I tried that but the router wouldn't let me
  15. Offline


    if u have teamviewer...i will glady help u with this me your teamviewer info and we'll figure it all out
  16. Offline


    What he's doing is correct. Leaving the server-ip blank automatically binds his sever to every IP address avaliable to the computer. But if he typed an IP address in, it will force the server to bind to that network. Doing it this way will only give him errors if it could not be binded with the specified IP address.
  17. Offline


    it depends on the situation...if u are using hamachi u should put HAMACHI-IP...if not, u still have to put your IP-address, and it will not create errors if u really know how to check your ip...(which im guessing you do not know how?thats why you bring this topic up)
  18. Offline


    You put up cmd, ipconfig, easy. I do not use Hamachi or teamviewer btw.
  19. Offline


    -_- I do know... How does checking your IP has to do with this? It's checking your port, not your IP. Also I'm not the OP. Btw what I said is basically what @TnT said (A community staff of bukkit forums)
    Read this thread:
    It really all matters to the OP on how he/she wants it. If she wants traffic only one IP address, the op would type in that address. If he/she wanted traffic from all the IP addresses avaliable, the op would leave it blank
  20. Offline


    go to this site..use the ip on that site
    then portforward the port 25565 to your ip using your routers website or whatever you call that...what type of router you have?
  21. Offline


    I tried that, it will say it's being used by other configurations, + ur not supposed to portforward ur ip, u portforward ur ipv4. i have a netgear model WNR2000v2
  22. Offline


    IPv4 is just a 4 octet IP address, as opposed to IPv6 which is a 6 octet IP address...
    Also, you forward your local IP and it's port.
    (Networking Major ftw!)

    As for the port forwarding:
    Show Spoiler

    The page with all the pages.
  23. Offline


    i already did it still doesen't work. DO u guys think i should just use himachi?

    dang himachi wont work either

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  24. Hey everyone who posted on this thread, thanks for all the help. (I'm OP)

    I'd prefer not to use Hamichi if possible, and I think i've done the port forwarding correctly... Could somebody please post the basic steps? No need for specifics, I just need to make sure I didn't forget any steps.

    And will port forwarding rid me of the "Connection timed out:Connect" my friends are getting?
  25. Offline


    Port forwarding is essential if you want to run a local server, you should have already done it...
  26. I have, and I did it right as far as I know. But it still hasn't solved my problem
  27. Offline


    Is the local ip the one u get when u go to
  28. Offline


    No, thats your external. You can get your local IP by going into command prompt and typing "ipconfig". By default, its 192.168.1.#
  29. Offline


    I already did but it still doesen't work, im really confused.
  30. Offline


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