Question Config.yml

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mukulibukuli, Dec 26, 2016.

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    Hello, I have edited the join and quit message on the config.yml file. I have changed the "joinANDquitMSG" to "true" but, when i restarted the server, it still said "mukulibukuli joined the game" in yellow. did i edit the wrong thing? do i have to reload the config.yml, if so how?(If there is a console command line plz tell me. In game command line also works. Please no external plugin) Thanks,


    (ik im a noob)
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    please send the config into and send the link here for professional developers to try and find the needle in the wheat.
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      GNU nano 2.2.6              File: config.yml                                
      - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&21'
      - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&22'
      - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&23'
      - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&24'
      - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&25'
      random: false
      Prefix: '&e[&2&lMOTD&e]&f '
      NoPermission: '&4This requires &7[&bSTAFF&7]&4rank!'
      SpecifyMessage: '&7Please specify a message!'
      ReloadConfig: '&bConfig has been reloaded!'
      ConfigReset: '&bConfig has been reset!'
      IngameSET: '&dIN-GAME MOTD set to: '
      JoinMSG: '&7Join>&a%name%&bhas joined PixelCraft'
      QuitMSG: '&7Quit>&a%name%&4has left &bPixelCraft'
    Version: 1
    Hope i did right

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
  4. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mukulibukuli Please open with gedit and copy with that.
    If you are using terminal only then please download the file instead.
  5. Offline


    Are you getting any error messages?

    Try change this line to:
    joinANDquitMSG: true
    with a Space between joinANDquitMSG: and true

    Anyway, are you using an self-coded plugin or a finished plugin?
  6. Offline


    1. ive already tried that with the space

    2. im not using a plugin. just editing config

    no error messages

    no error messages.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2016
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