Solved Config trouble?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kampai, May 27, 2016.

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    I'm currently using bukkit's built in YamlConfiguration system to make configs, however I'm having trouble with one part, how do I set default config, for exmaple I want to make player states, how would I make the path?
    coins: int
    banned: boolean
    rank: string)
  2. Offline


    Are you looking for this? This is fitted towards your example
    Config#set("player.coins", 0);
    Config#set("player.banned", true);
    Config#save( the file location);
    //Or, if it's the default config, as in the one at /PluginName/config.yml
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    Okay so I have a little bit of trouble understanding that a bit. So everytime you do player.coins it would make a new line under player right? so if i did player.coins.bonus it would make a new line under coins?

    EDIT: Also is it easier to save a hashmap with a UUID and INT or just save an int to the config on server on plugin disable
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
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    1# ) Not really. Because "coins" is a path that leads directly to a value instead of another path, that would not work. If 'coins' only held other paths (E.g. "Coins: values: 1" and "Coins: bonus: ect. "), then it would work.

    2# ) Yes, it would. Save the entire hashmap to a config instead of individual entries.
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    Alright so how would I get a path, last question sorry for example I want to do
    if(!core.user.getConfigurationSection("player.coins")) {
    (core is the class I'm getting user, the .yml file, from) when i do that I get an error asking asking me to put == null. It would work if I put == null and remove the "!" right?
  6. Offline


    What you're doing is get the configuation section instance at that path in the config. If the path "player.coins" has an integer at that path (meaning your config looks something like "player: coins: 10"), then you should use "core.user.getInt("player.coins") == (Your test)" to test if a player has a certain amount of coins.
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