Config File

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ula492, Jul 8, 2014.

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    I need help with the config files I never used the config for anything this is my first time and I dont know how to make it so the player that is using this plugin can set its own Items. Please Help! Thanks <3
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    Ula492 Have a read of this page on the Bukkit Wiki. If you have any trouble, feel free to ask here for help.
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    Ula492 What have you tried so far?
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    Look at these video:
    P.S. You don't need to create a file called config.yml, to set information do getConfig().set("whatyouwant.whatyouwant", what you want to be set in that position.)

    Credit to PogoStick29
    PogoStick29 likes this.
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    @macboin Still didnt help:/ im trying to set block IDs into the config so you can change them when ever u want so if u add a Diamond ID you can change it into Gold or something that u want only 4 things can be there doe
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    Just use this to get a list
    and this to set a list
    1. getConfig().set("Items", |Your List|)
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