I think this would improve the the simplicity of managing a server and make it easier for the players. I know there are SOME individual plugins similar to this, but this I think would have a lot better features. Commands: /wi password thisismypassword I would like a plugin that links with the server's website to create a web interface with these features: Admin: Approve promotion requests Manage the users's permissions WorldGuard region manager (uses dynmap) Everybody: Buy items Sell items Sell regions ( with a live map from dynmap ) Buy regions ( and a button to tp them there ) Bank ( for iconomy money ) Item storage ( costs money from iConomy ) Hire people ( more info on the bottom ) Ask for promotion ( more info on the bottom ) Not sure if possible: server to server trade Tp people: This only works while that player is on the server. The website sends the plugin something that a) could tp them to those coords or b) make a temp warp with the coords and sudo that player to tp there Hiring people: The way this would work is a worker puts up his job offer for say 30 days (in real life). He has parameters he can choose from such as: What are you planning on making? Will you supply materiels? How much will you charge? People can then look on this and see if they want someone to make that for them. They then go through and can choose a date range they would like it to be completed in and comments. The builder gets an email saying there was a response. He can accept, or specify what he wants changed. The other way it works is a request: This is the opposite of the offer. Ask for promotion: If a player wants a promotion, they can fill out a survey that the admin created via the admin control panel. In the form here are some features: Coord tp (On my server, I ask for the coords of the player's builds so I can see what they did. This would have a button that would let the admin easily tp to that location) Mature age (The player must have been a _____ rank for ____ time before they can become this rank. And finally: 1-click promote The admin will recieve an email, he can reject or accept In either case, the player receives an email with info about this. Any feedback or features and I will add them to this post so that it will be easy to follow along for anyone who wants to develop this. I think most people would agree with me that use of GitHub should be REQUIRED because I want other people to be able to play with all code. Lastly: This plugin must be 100% FREE. The developing will not be paid for, so neither will the plugin. If ANYONE wants to help, just reply, I know this is a lot but this is what people need. bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
no, php html, google chrome firefox I know you hate bumps, but well BUMP bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Well, our upcoming SpaceCP will be able to do this with ease! Though it's not ready for release just yet.. If you can wait some time...
Just make sure it is easy to use for the players, not just for admins That control panel sounds great but I want it more for the players not the admin. bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
No, it's really not. You can make a basic one using 100% Java, adding PHP and other stuff is the hard part, but still possible. All you would need to do is register "fake pages" (or something else, like PHP) to do tasks within the plugin (promote, demote, etc). The concept: Awesome Difficulty: Well beyond hard (PS: I would do this, but I have only created one that is 100% HTML/JS based, not PHP, MySQL, or anything else server-side, sorry)
my mistake, i had no idea something like this would be possible... EDIT: i don't think we're all on the same page here.
Yeah, pretty much if you go in google chrome to theronsminecraft.com, you could use all the features you see above