Complete Noob Question

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by vegatifa, Mar 24, 2012.

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    I started my own server (mac) the day 1.2.3 came out & I learned the basics quickly, but I'm having an issue... I was able to update to 1.2.4 (craftbukkit) today & not all of my plugins have updated versions available. I actually can't even use a single plugin and I'm stuck. I've looked all over but I feel that I'm missing something simple.

    I can connect to the server now that I've updated but mobs are littering everything and I don't want people to be able to login until the permissions are set so that they may only build/destroy in certain zones. Should I necessarily be having an issue with all the plugins not working?
    • Bukkitmanager
    • ClassSign
    • Essentials
    • FastTravelSigns (which im going to get rid of)
    • LWC
    • MantaMobControl (conflicts with essentials mob spawns)
    • Plgsetspawn
    • Simplegive
    • WorldEdit
    • Residence
    • MultiVerse
    Edit: I'm determined to put the server offline because zombies are spawning inside my buildings on the world that I disable mobs & portals & sign stores are required to make it to some zones on the other world. Endermen keep stealing the blocks of all the houses x_x thankgod for backups.
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    There are definitely versions that work with 1.2.4 for a lot of those plugins. You need to look for development versions but I have Essentials, LWC, Wordedit and Multiverse all working with 1.2.4 without issue. Pretty much whenever you update Bukkit you'll need to update at least some plugins.

    The console output when you start the server should give you a decent indication of what things are broken and need updating.
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    >.> nevermind actually.. I had three folders for my server for old copies and a backup. I accidentally clicked on the wrong one & updated it in some weird way that it made it non-bukkit... Don't ask - I have no idea. Found another tutorial and used my other folder. I'm back to craftbukkit but with some issues.
    Thanks for the response. I was about to chuck my laptop against the wall xD
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