Plugin category: PVP Minecraft version: 1.19.2 Suggested name: Simple Compass Tracker What I want: A compass tracking system, where you name a compass with an anvil with a player 's name on the server you want to track. When that's done, the plugin would point the compass to the player named on the compass. If the player is offline, the plugin would simply point it to their log off spot. If the compass name has an invalid player name, nothing would happen, it would just point to world spawn like it normally would. Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: Everyone should have permission to use this When I'd like it by: Anytime Feel free to ask any questions if you are confused Thank you!
I'll work on this. Do you want anything extra like an indication in the Action Bar (text above Inventory) of how far the player is from target like "x Blocks Away"
Here you go. I also invoked right-click interaction with the compass to update the player's movement. If you want it to update their movement automatically, I can change it with no problem, just let me know.
Thank you!! Thank you so much! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.