Solved Comparing two ItemStacks with ItemMeta

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ipodtouch0218, Jun 16, 2016.

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    I'm trying to make a short game about shooting armor stands. It works fine, but pets on the server also uses armor stands, so I'm trying to check for the ItemStack in the Helmet slot of the armor stand. I need some way to compare the "Helmet ItemStack" with a template ItemStack.

    I've tried creating another ItemStack with the same meta and using
    if (helmet.equals(template)) {
        //Code (Check Pastebin)
    I've tried just checking for the ItemStack's display name

    String name = meta.getDisplayName().toString();
    if (name == "Skull of Ventality") {
        //Code (Check Pastebin)
    I've tried to compare the two ItemMetas

    if (helmet.getItemMeta().toString().equals(template.getItemMeta().toString()) {
        //Code (Check Pastebin)
    //not sure if this is the correct method for getItemMeta... made this up as i'm going
    Heck, I've tried to compare them using "==" which I know wouldn't work, but good to test.

    I've made a debug message for when you shoot the armor stand (which gets called), telling me what the armor stand's ItemStack info is. "player.sendMessage(helmet.toString() + " compared to " + template.toString())"

    I noticed that all the metadata was the same, just the "internal:" tag was different. I thought .equals compares them without comparing internal.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ipodtouch0218 Strings are compared with equals, so the name check won't work the way you posted.
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    Of course, the one time I don't use .equals() I needed to.
    Also, I tried to rename the head in an anvil, and Essentials uses a "§f" color code when spawning in heads, which is why the name never was accepted.

    It works now, thanks :3
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    I Al Istannen

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