Hi, just got a permissions problem with commandbook. Code: users: inheritance: - default permissions: - wormhole.simple.use - falsebook.blocks.* - falsebook.cart.* - permissions.build - commandbook.warp.* - commandbook.warp.list - commandbook.who - commandbook.time.check - commandbook.biome - commandbook.teleport - commandbook.spawn - commandbook.call - commandbook.home.* - null trustedusers: inheritance: - users permissions: - commandbook.gamemode.change - commandbook.gamemode.check My problem is that a member of trustedusers is for example able to create wars but not change his gamemode. I've already set it to commandbook.gamemode.* for testing but this didn't work either. Only members of the admin group who have commandbook.* and ops are able to do that. Does anyone know this behavior and knows how to solve it?