CommandBook permissions not working correctly

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MikeA, Nov 24, 2012.

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    CommandBook is what I've been using for nearly a year and a half now and I don't think this issue has occurred any, and I'm not sure when it started. The donors on my server get the /tp command, but commandbook uses all commands in one, so they're all together.

    Players do not have permission to teleport to coordinates, yet they still can using a 'different' sub-command.

    Default coordinate teleport:
    /tp 66,75,23
    Players can not use the command above, but they can use this command:
    /tp 66 75 23

    Does anyone know why this happens? I'm clueless, as all permissions are correct.

    @sk89q famerdave wizjany zml2008
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