Command History Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Noogies, Sep 25, 2011.

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    Can someone make a plugin that will allow you to recall previous commands using the up/down arrows? I really hate typing a whole long command from scratch every time after a single minor typo. And those times when I have to issue the same command 20 times? (like when I have a chest full of 27 stacks of 64 minecarts each, and I accidentally break the chest, typing /clear -a a g'zillion times as I try to clean up the spill would be so much easier if I could recall the command)
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    There is no history of commands, but you could create one yourself. Try creating a listener and catching ServerCommandEvents, then recording the info you need into a list (you should probably manage this list via SQL, since this is a lot of info you'll be managing).
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