For some reason Command blocks only work in the default world. In any other world if there is a command block rigged up with a command and redstone when anyone who is not an admin steps on the plate or switch to activate the command block nothing happens. I have checked Multiverse, WorldGuard and Permissions... I can't figure out what is blocking the command block commands from running on other worlds. On the default world it works just fine.
ImHackinBored your should be like this #Minecraft server properties #(File modification datestamp) generator-settings= op-permission-level=4 level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=false announce-player-achievements=true server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false level-seed= force-gamemode=false server-ip= max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true hardcore=false snooper-enabled=true online-mode=true resource-pack= pvp=true difficulty=1 enable-command-block=true gamemode=0 player-idle-timeout=0 max-players=20 spawn-monsters=true generate-structures=true view-distance=10 motd=A Minecraft Server enable-command-block must be true, if you dont have this stuff, then copy and paste it, it should solve your problem. If it does not work at all, then search to youtube how it should be solved. Hope HELPS