I tried to make the names of the players colored depending of their ranks, but it didn't work. I have essentials (and I disabled its custom chat colors), PEX and ChatManager. I tried jChat but it seems the server i'm on doesn't let me uninstall ChatManager. permissions.yml : Code: users: keywc: group: - admin Soda67: group: - admin ceandros: group: - op Poulit: group: - op CaptainCallypso: group: - op CrossAlbeo: group: - gm R0ro3lectr0: group: - gm darkfarm: group: - gm groups: admin: permissions: - '*' options: prefix: '&9' suffix: '&f' rank: '400' op: inheritance: - admin permissions: - -bukkit.command.op.give - -bukkit.command.op.take options: prefix: '&b' suffix: '&f' rank: '300' gm: inheritance: - default permissions: - essentials.gamemode - essentials.fly.others options: prefix: '&a' suffix: '&f' rank: '200' default: default: true permissions: - essentials.spawn - chatmanager.chat.* - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.chat.color - essentials.home - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.tools - essentials.me - essentials.msg - essentials.ping - essentials.sethome - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.time - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp options: prefix: '&f' suffix: '&f' rank: '100' I did enable ChatManager in its config.yml. If possible, I also want to NOT silently join vanished. Thanks
Can you see any colours at all in chat? (e.g. is /say <message> pink or purple?) If all your text is white, it could indicate that your version of OpenGL is very old.
Yes, I can see other colors in the chat. Plugins like Vanish or Essentials are colored. EDIT : I also tried to uninstall and use EssentialsChat. It only makes the op's names colored.
With colorme, you must use a command in-game for each user. It isn't automatic. Thanks for answering. The "prefix" and "suffix" nodes weren't supposed to be in the options node. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.