collidesWithEntities() in 1.8

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AppleBabies, Feb 14, 2016.

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    So, hello, today I am using packets to prevent a player from colliding with entities. However, I no longer see a localEntityPlayer.collideWithEntities() boolean.

    So, does anybody know the new one?

    Thank you!
  2. @AppleBabies
    EDIT because tired == dumb for me:
    Do entities collide with players anyway?
  3. Offline


    @AppleBabies @Connor2weirdness EntityPlayer#collidesWithEntities; field? Listen for join event then set their collidesWithEntities to false?
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    @Connor2weirdness Sorry, I want them to not collide with entities, such as projectiles.

    @Xerox262 Interesting...let me try that.

    EDIT: @Xerox262 Just realised, like I said, that the collidesWithEntities() boolean has been removed and probably been replaced.
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  6. @Xerox262
    Didn't know that. I would've thought colliding would be preventing one entity entering another.
    restrains childish giggles
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    This is what I'm doing:
    public void collideWithStuff(Player paramPlayer, boolean paramBoolean) {
              EntityPlayer localEntityPlayer = (((CraftPlayer) paramPlayer).getHandle());
     = paramBoolean; //Doing ad based off your Gyazo picture.
              localEntityPlayer.k = paramBoolean;
  8. Offline


    @AppleBabies No, they're methods, you need to just set localEntityPlayer.collidesWithEntities to param boolean. ae and ad are just to check that the player is still alive and not dead, you don't need to worry about them.
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    @Xerox262 When I do that, it says it doesn't exist.
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    public void collideWithStuff(Player paramPlayer, boolean paramBoolean) {
              EntityPlayer localEntityPlayer = (((CraftPlayer) paramPlayer).getHandle());
              localEntityPlayer.collidesWithEntities = paramBoolean; //Here it says that collidesWithEntities in an unknown method. Shouldn't ad work?
              localEntityPlayer.k = paramBoolean;
  12. Offline


    @AppleBabies No, because ad and ae are to see if the player is not dead. See
    It shouldn't be saying that it's an unknown method, methods have () and yours doesn't.

    Also I just tried and it worked.

    Edit: Tried without the localEntityPlayer.k = paramBoolean; Idk what that's supposed to do.
  13. Offline


    @Xerox262 Sorry, it says it can't be resolved not it's not a method.

    I'm using CraftBukkit 1.8.8, so I am confused why it is not working...
  14. Offline


    @AppleBabies Do you actually have the nms classes in your build path? If you're using Maven you most likely wont. And post your imports?
  15. Offline


    @Xerox262 Ew, I dislike Maven. But sure, here are my imports:
    import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityPlayer;
    import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.entity.CraftPlayer;
  16. Offline


    @AppleBabies Odd. Try Cleaning your project and see if that changes anything. Also why're you setting the entity's k?
  17. Offline


    @Xerox262 I'll try that, and I'm pretty sure k is to prevent blocking a player from breaking blocks or interacting with items.

    EDIT: @Xerox262 I cleaned up my project and even re-added craftbukkit-1-8-8.jar and still it says that it cannot be resolved:

    My code again:
    public void collideWithStuff(Player paramPlayer, boolean paramBoolean) {
              EntityPlayer localEntityPlayer = (((CraftPlayer) paramPlayer).getHandle());
              localEntityPlayer.collidesWithEntities = paramBoolean;
              localEntityPlayer.k = paramBoolean;
  18. Offline


    @AppleBabies k is in the entity class so it can't change them being able to break blocks since not all entities can break blocks, why don't you cancel block break events/entity interact events for them?
  19. Offline


    @Xerox262 No no, I mean for example, if a player tries to break a block and the spectator walks in front of them, the spectator won't prevent the player from breaking the block.
  20. Offline


    @AppleBabies I just copied and pasted your code into my IDE and it has no errors, what does it ask you do you want to change it to when you hover on it?

    An alternative could be to set the player's dead boolean to true, that way entities should be unable to collide, since that's what it checks along side the collide.
  21. Offline


    @Xerox262 It says to try ad, ai, ah, F, E, a ton of stuff...basically every other possible boolean.

    Also, setting a player to dead doesn't work for some reason. It basically constrains me in one place and then I can't do anything...weird.
  22. Offline


    From what I've seen the collidesWithEntities field only exists in Spigot.
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  24. Offline


    @AppleBabies You're quoting a post of mine, I do remember that thread, and it looks like the person got it solved, but I also use spigot when I use that and from what I saw some time after posting that the field didn't exist in CraftBukkit, you can, however, make the players invulnerable (that field does exist in CB) and make the players not collide with arrows.
  25. Offline


    @Konato_K What would the field be called? All I see is invulnerableTicks. In fact, is there a java doc for all the packets?
  26. Offline


    @AppleBabies It's "invulnerable" as far I remember, but is not in the EntityPlayer class but a super class (can't remember if Entity or EntityLiving).

    There is no javadoc, but there is a reference that has pretty much everything (or the most) of information about packets
  27. Offline


    @Konato_K Hmmm...I tried both Entity and EntityLiving, neither of them seemed to have that field. There is isInvulnerable() but that's a method.
  28. Offline


    @AppleBabies Invulnerable is a field in the Entity class, however, it's private, you'll need to use reflection to modify it.
  29. Offline


    @Konato_K Like this?
    public void collideWithStuff(Player paramPlayer, boolean nonexist, boolean affectsStand) {
              EntityPlayer localEntityPlayer = (((CraftPlayer) paramPlayer).getHandle());
              try {
                ReflectionUtils.setValue(localEntityPlayer, nonexist, "invulnerable", "true");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              localEntityPlayer.k = affectsStand;
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    @AppleBabies I don't know what ReflectionUtils#setValue is, but it seems right.
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