Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Suggested name: Cobble Cubes What I want: Im looking for a very specific plugin, it was used on a old skyblock server that i play, but the plugin has been lost to time and hasnt been used. So basicly what im looking for is a placeable block that generates specified blocks in a config and there is differenet sizes (3x3 5x5 7x7 9x9 11x11 13x13 15x15), and preferably it can work in conjunction with essentials worth.yml so it can autosell, if not just have it have an inventory and you click it to get the blocks, it can automaticly generate and has an upgrade GUI where you can upgrade the blocks it generates, storage upgrades and automining upgrades, i know and am aware that this is a lot but i would code it myself but i am in no condition or have the time to learn how to code as i am having some personal issues thank you. heres an video i found about it for insporation, Ideas for commands: /cc give <user> <cobble cube size> When I'd like it by: Soon as possible preferably but any time is fine
only the person who can place it can open the GUI and what do you mean different upgrade levels? still waiting for mod approval bro why do these messages even need to be moderated EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@IMNOTSTUPID Have you tried using a Mine plugin? It's basically the same thing, I'm pretty sure there are personal mine plugins out there.
True, I haven’t tried that yet I will now, though most personal mine plugins don’t have an auto mining, storage and upgrade feature
ive been looking since Tuesday and i cant find a single one, that isnt paid Edit: Wow i can post without having to wait for moderator approval
hey, this seems like a pretty cool thing to recreate. i would be willing to try this. but it might take a while. EDIT: what kind of upgrades should exist?
hey @IMNOTSTUPID im still working on this, ill actually give my own spin onto it. but this ended up being quite the project. so its not quite finished yet
Your fine, I don’t know how to code so at least it’s being worked on lmao, and you can add whatever you want to it, it isn’t even my original idea, and your the one coding it so I don’t got a say. Thank you for doing this also
YOOOOOOOOO, this is fking awesome man, I expected some rinky dink project that works but this is like nice and polished, menus and everything, damn
il try to get it in a working state as soon as possible and send a little preview, but right now it really doesnt do much yet. and there are still some bugs. id rather fix those first