Solved Closing a door with a plugin.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dillyg10, Apr 30, 2013.

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    Door class is deprecated.
    Dilly is sad :(.

    Dilly found out how to open doors with this:

    this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().setData((byte) (this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().getData() | 0x4));
    Dilly thought logic would dictate that doing the opisite would close the door
    this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().setData((byte) (this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().getData() & -0x4));
    Dilly was wrong.
    Dilly is sad :(.

    In all seriousness, I've tried just about everything to get doors to close, anyone have any tricks up their sleve to get this to work?
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    dillyg10 I HAVE A SOLUTION

    public void onClickDoor(ClickDoorEvent event)
         Use redstone instead...
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    I don't think you quite understand fully whats going on here.
    The data for a door is stored in specific bits in a byte. From the minecraft wiki the 0x4 position handles if the door is opened or closed(0 closed, 1 open). So doing an OR bitwise operation on 0x4 will flip into it's open position. So to close it you should try doing an XOR
    1. this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().setData((byte) (this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().getData() | 0x4));// Doing an OR will open if it's closed.
    2. this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().setData((byte) (this.rightDoorLoc.getBlock().getData() ^ 0x4));// Doing an XOR will close if it's open
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    How very specific... how would I power the block though -_-. (and yes this needs to be through a plugin)

    Actually, i did try an XOR

    It ended up only closing 1/2 the door.
    But, I think I just got an idea, maybe an xor on the bottom, and an or on the top will work.

    Also Door class is deprecated, and doesn't work at all :p.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    You can get the position of the door then -1 from the y coord and set that block to a redstone block then back to what ever.the previous block was, using bukkit runnables. This should close the opened door
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    That sounds very... buggy and bad...
  8. Offline


    Then he could jut get the y and -1 power that block with .setPowered
  9. Offline



    I need more sleep, turns out i was setting the wrong data at the wrong loction

    For reference:

    door.getBlock().setData(door.getBlock().getData() ^ 0x4) :).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    Lol gnite
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