Closest player from clicker

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Konkz, Mar 20, 2014.

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    I am trying to get the nearest player from the position of the player that clicks the item in their inventory, I tried to use multiple codes I found on the internet before posting this but I could not achieve my result.

    I am trying to make it so when you click the item, it check if you're in the arraylist "cooldownsender", if you're not in it then it gets nearest player. If nearest player is in the array list "cooldowntarget". If they are not in it then it will execute rest of my code, but whenever I try to do it with different codes I keep failing.

    By any chance, does anyone have snippets of code that I would be able to review in order to improve my knowledge in this and continue my plugin?

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    1. Player player = clickingPlayer;
    2. double x, y, z; // Your bounding box for the selection
    4. Player closest = null;
    5. double closestDistance = 0;
    7. for (Entity entity : player.getNearbyEntities(x, y, z)) {
    8. if (entity instanceof Player) {
    9. double distance = player.getLocation().distance(entity.getLocation());
    10. if (distance < closestDistance || distance == 0) {
    11. closest = (Player) entity;
    12. closestDistance = distance;
    13. }
    14. }
    15. }
    17. if (closest != null) {
    18. System.out.println(closest.getName() + " is the nearest player!");
    19. }
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    Thanks, I played with it for few hours and got it to work for my needs.
    Just a little question, how can I return a message saying "No players in your range" using that code?
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    Add an else to if (closest != null) maybe? :p
    player.sendMessage("No playas in da range, yo!");
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    Tried it, it turns into dead code, that's my problem :p
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    But it shouldn't :confused:

    1. if (closest != null) {
    2. player.sendMessage(closest.getName() + " is the nearest player!");
    3. } else {
    4. player.sendMessage("No players in your range!");
    5. }
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    EDIT: Also returns a null exception error when I attempt to use the item and nobody is in the range.
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