Clicked block in Main class

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by desup, Feb 9, 2012.

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    Hello, another stupid question, ;) in my Player Listener, I have OnPlayerInteract event which gets clicked block, like this:
    Block b = event.getClickedBlock();
    Then, in my main class i have OnCommand boolean, and there, i need to work with this block variable, but I dont know how to pass that variable from BlockListener to main class.

    Can you help me?
    Thank you!
  2. either make a public variable (or method) in the playerlistener or in the main class and save the playerlistener in a variable in the main class or pass the main class to the listener somewhere (e.g. in the constructor) depending on where you made the variable.
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    If you want multiple players to use the command you're coding, you should use something like:
    1. static final HashMap<Player, Block> clickedBlocks = new HashMap<Player, Block>();
    where you store the last blocks clicked by each player using clickedBlocks.put(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock()). You can then get the last block a player clicked on via clickedBlocks.get(player). You'll have to take into account that get() will return null if the player never clicked on a block since logging in.

    PS: If your plugins needs to store more player-related data, you should make a new PlayerInfo class, and make one single HashMap<Player, PlayerInfo> in your main class. PlayerInfo should contain the last clicked block, and any other data you want to store about the player.
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    Thank you Really much Njol ! :)
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