"Classic Survival" mode.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ioi_xd, Mar 9, 2018.

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    I'd be lying if I didn't say this wasn't for a specific server. I'd also be lying if I didn't say I could do most of it by hand using redstone. But I still think having a plugin to automate it would be great.

    What this plugin would is add a world to your server that removes certain features from the gaming, making it feel like classic, pre-beta 1.8 survival. Some of the features include:

    * Removal of the hunger bar and XP bar.

    * Quick, easy combat like it was before 1.9.

    * Inability to sprint.

    * Old mob drops (e.g. zombies drop feathers.)

    * Old beta world generation.

    * No recipe book.

    Some features, like the newer items, the end, etc. would be kept obviously. The goal isn't to make a complete recreation beta, it's to make modern survival feel more like the beta versions.
  2. I can see this being fairly easy to achieve. You could get these results probably using a combination of plugins, but it wouldn’t be too difficult to make most of these features into one plugin. I have some other stuff I am making progress on, but I would be willing to make this plugin if you do try and more fully re-create pre-beta 1.8 (remove more of the new features/blocks). My reasoning is that it might be a bit odd for terracotta, concrete and potion tipped arrows to be in the game, yet you can’t sprint and it’s the old world generation. People would also of course start building stuff using the new blocks and newer building styles if they are available. Also, do you want sword blocking back, and bows functioning like regular? Or no sword blocking and machine gun bows?

    You would also probably want to have a resource pack to make the experience and hunger bar fully disappear. Also, I would take a look at 173generator.
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