Classes Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by __Penguin__, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. Offline



    I was wondering if someone could make me a plugin for this idea I had for my server that hopefully will be done soon. I do know that this is quite a complex plugin.

    I was thinking of a plugin that would add classes to a game. You would change classes depending on how much time you would spend on the server. Here is an example.

    Starter Class - What you get when you just joined.
    5th Class - 5 hours on the server
    4th Class - 10 hours on the server
    3rd Class - 20 hours on the server
    2nd Class - 30 hours on the server
    1st Class - 40 Hours on the server

    Things I would like for the plugin:
    • When you rank up classes, a message to the player saying something like, "Congratz! You have ranked up to 2nd Class!" If possible I would like for this message to be configurable and have support for color.
    • A Prefix for the player showing his class. Ex: [1st Class] I would like for this to be in color.
    • Custom commands like /1stclass for 1st class that would give the player a custom kit.
    • A Custom command like /classlist that would show a list of all the classes and the amount of hours needed to rank up to each class.
    • Custom hours and classes that you can change in the config.
    • A Custom command like /myhours that will show the players hours on the current server.
    • An Admin command like /myhours <player> that would show the hours of the player typed.
    • An Admin command like /sethours <number> <player> that would set the number of hours on a player
    • Anything else that you think is necessary

    Thanks so much!

  2. Offline


    This actually hears very interesting!
    Do you want it to appears like permissions plugin, or an add-on to permissions?
    Or is it just for prefix?
  3. Offline


    It would be cool to be like a permissions plugin so it would give the different classes different commands! But an add-on to a permissions plugin PermissionsEx would be amazing too! :)
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