Checking online mode

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EvilWitchdoctor, Mar 30, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Alright, please read my question before posting here ;)

    I am not running a cracked server, and from what I've read this thread is within the terms.
    Basically what I'm trying to do is make is a login-authentication plugin that will allow a certain player
    (let's say, "Steve") to join even if he has a "bad login",
    (meaning that he is not logged onto

    However, I still want it to check all the other players as it normally does for online-mode=true.
    Any help would be appreciated, but if you can contrive to give your answers in working code-form, that would be the most helpful! :D
  2. Offline


    Bukkit.getOnlineMode() returns whether or not the server is set to online mode. I'm not quite sure what you are asking though. The purpose of online mode is to check with and you only get bad login if you are not connected to (aka cracked account/no internet (how would you play on a server)/ is down (which it rarely is anymore))
  3. Offline


    Thanks for the reply ;) but you're right that it's not what I wanted.
    Basically I want to be able to join it using LAN ( when the internet is down even though it's whitelisted...
    (not the only thing I could use it for though)
  4. Offline


    I don't think that this is possible without a heavy amount of code.
  5. Offline


    Ok. I felt sure there was a simple way of doing it though. I guess I'll keep searching for a bit then give up on it.
    Think you could point me the the right direction though? I can usually code big stuff pretty fast so long as I have a general idea of what to do ;)
  6. Offline


    Before I've thought on the same idea too. I wanted it so only I can have a few fake accounts join my server in order to test stuff without needing to switch the online-mode or needing to buy alt accounts. The best direction we can point you is to the nms code, there you can look at how the server handles clients joining and checking their session.
  7. Offline


    Locked. You will not get help here to find out how to circumvent online mode.
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