Solved Checking if a player has an item

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hex_27, Jan 3, 2015.

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    What I'm using now:
    if(p.getInventory().containsAtLeast(new ItemStack(Material.LOG), 5)){
    When I use this, it doesn't detect items that are renamed. How can I check if the player has a certain amount of items of a specific type?
  2. @Hex_27 One solution would be to iterate over the inventory and check yourself.
  3. You need to create a new ItemStack out of the code before checking if the item they have has a name, or specific type.
    ItemStack randomItem = new ItemStack(Material.GRASS);
    ItemMeta randomItemMeta = randomItem.getItemMeta();
    randomItemMeta.setDisplayName("Random Item");
    Then just get their inventory and check if they have that item.
    if (player.getInventory().contains(randomItem, 2) {
    // Your code goes here.
    Phazerous likes this.
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    @CodePlaysMinecraft that will work for ONE name for an item. I want it to work of all items.
    @AdamQpzm So... I make an int i = 0 then for each item that is the material i want, i add a number to the integer, then check how much the integer is worth? Would this work? 0.o


    would this work?

             public boolean hasAmount(Material mat, Inventory inv, int amt){
                 int invamt = 0;
                     for (ItemStack i : inv) {
                        if(i.getType() == mat){
                            invamt = invamt + i.getAmount();
                     if(invamt >= amt){
                         return true;
                return false;
    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2015
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    It works... and now i need to make a method to REMOVE a certain material.

    This doesn't work
             public void removeItem(Material mat, Inventory inv, int amt){
             int amount = amt;
                 for(ItemStack i: inv){
                     if(i != null){
                        if(i.getType() == mat){
                            if(amt > 0){
                            if(i.getAmount() >= amt){
                                i.setAmount(i.getAmount() - amt);
                                amount = amount - i.getAmount();
    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2015
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    Removing an item is done from player.getInventory().remove(ItemStack)

    For instance, if you wanted to reduce/remove ONE from something a player is holding you do this:

    I would do a check on if the getAmount() == 1 or >1 and then

    if(count > 1)
    // reduce count
    player.getItemInHand().setAmount(player.getItemInHand().getAmount() - 1); 
    // remove last item
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    @nj2miami I need to remove a certain amount of MATERIAL. So, I can't use remove.... And its a crafting table thing, so I can't use p.getItemInHand()
    Using your method, it doesn't remove NAMED items.
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    I don't know what you want to use because you are writing the code :)

    p.getItemInHand() is simply a reference to an ItemStack, it could be ANYTHING. Not sure what you mean by "NAMED" items and you message has been lost in context because you have not provided enough information apparently.

    If you want to remove an Apple, then iterate over the inventory and check if the current item is of type Material.Apple and if so, is the count = 1 or > 1 then either remove 1 by setting its count or remove it entirely by using the command I gave you.

    player.getInventory.remove(ItemStack) <- which you would have by iterating through the Inventory stack.
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    @nj2miami what I'm trying now:
             public void removeItem(ItemStack item, Inventory inv, int amt){
                 for(ItemStack i: inv){
                     if(i != null){
                        if(i == item){
                    if(i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() == item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()){
                        i.setAmount(i.getAmount() - amt);
    Still doesn't work
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    @Hex_27 Try using Inventory#getContents(), check if the item has item meta before checking for it's display name, use Object#equals(), or String#equalsIgnoreCase() when comparing Strings.
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    @Skionz I don't needa check because I have another checker where I'm using the method. This isn't working:
             public void removeItem(ItemStack item, Inventory inv, int amt){
                 for(ItemStack i: inv.getContents()){
                     if(i != null){
                         int amount = i.getAmount();
                        if(i == item){
                        i.setAmount(amount - amt);
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
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    @Hex_27 What isn't working specifically. Give me a line.
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    OK, last time for you....

    i.setAmount(i.getAmount() - amt); will NOT remove an item.

    The ONLY way to remove an item from an inventory is by calling player.getInventory().remove(ItemStack)

    setAmount can only set the count to a minimum of 1.

    Your code is missing much validation code and will likely break often, but not knowing HOW you are calling this function or knowing your other code, I cannot really offer you additional advice.

    What happens is the user has less than "amt"? What happens is they do not have the item at all? At a minimum your void should return a boolean instead to at least tell whatever called it if it was successful or not.
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    @nj2miami If you would just read the front part.... you would see there was already a check for if the player has enough.... Anyways, I've found another method, so I guess this isn't needed anymore.
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    You should provide HOW you answered your own question so others searching the forums who come across this thread are not left with an unanswered thread and you should mark it as SOLVED since you have apparently "found" a way.
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    @njmiami It IS posted. If you would just scroll up....
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