Solved Check if Zombies are dead every X seconds

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Flysandwings, Jul 23, 2020.

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    Hello there beautiful people, first and foremost if you're reading this, thank you for spending the time.

    Now into the issue.


    I have a zombie spawn on round one.


    On round one, one zombie spawns, and I need to check if it is dead, so I can move to the next round. I spawn this zombie using:

    Zombie z = ( Zombie ) world.spawnEntity(spawnLoc, EntityType.ZOMBIE);

    Now I want to check if this zombie has died every X number of seconds.

    However I get illegalmoniterexception.

    I'm using a bukkit runnable to do these checks my class is setup like this:
    public class Rounds extends BukkitRunnable {
    private final JavaPlugin plugin;
    private static int round; 
     private static Utils util = new Utils(); 
       public Rounds(Zombies plugin){
        this.plugin = plugin;round=0;
    @Overridepublic void run () {
        util.broadcast("Round: " + round); 
        while (true) {
           World w = Bukkit.getWorld("world");
           Location spawnLoc = new Location(w, 11.0, 101.0 + 2., 6.0);
            Zombie zomb = (Zombie) w.spawnEntity(spawnLoc, EntityType.ZOMBIE); 
            while (zomb.isDead() == false) {
                     if (zomb.isDead()) {
                       } else {
                             try {
                             } catch (Exception e) {
                                 util.broadcast("ERROR: " + e);}
    I have read scheuled programming guide for threads, however it doesn't click with me for some reason. Could someone explain this to me?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2020
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    I recommend you use a bukkit repeating scheduler instead of a while loop. It seems to me that the wait(5000) is causing the error.
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    Or use the EntityDeathEvent with @EventHandler and check if the entity is that entity (maybe by location or by naming it something unique).
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