ChatManagement Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PolarBearGalaxy, Jan 6, 2019.

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    Plugin category: Moderation

    Minecraft version: 1.8.8

    Suggested name: ChatManagerPlus

    What I want: I need a plugin that blocks advertising, swearing, caps, and spam. All messages are customizable. Words for swearing is customizable. Percentage of caps is customizable. Message-delay for spam is customizable. Also, if somebody advertises, a customizable command should be run from console (ex: warn {player} advertising} Furthermore, you can whitelist links for the advertise list (ex:

    I also need some chat management commands (check ideas for commands)

    I also need a ChatBot:
    when a player types in a defined message, chatbot will reply (customizable)

    Ideas for commands:

    - /clearchat : clears the chat by 300 lines
    - /chatlock : locks the chat so nobody without permission can talk
    - /addswear <word> : blacklists a word and adds it to the anti-swear list
    - /removeswear <word> : removes that word from the anti-swear list

    Ideas for permissions:
    - chatmanager.<command> : permission for a command (above)
    - chatmanager.bypassswear : bypasses anti-swearing
    - chatmanager.bypassadvertise : bypasses anti-advertise
    - chatmanager.bypasscaps : bypasses anti-caps
    - chatmanager.bypassspam : bypasses spam

    When I'd like it by: Perhaps this week, please?

    Note: I know this plugin is going to be hard to make, but I will be super grateful if you do it!
    also, I know it is similar to this plugin: , but that plugin just doesn't work for me. Too much features that I can't remove.
  2. How do you define advertising? Are there certain 'advertising words'?
  3. Offline


    I think I'm down to try.
  4. Offline


    Good idea, I'll try to finish it soon. It's not really hard to make but sounds fun :)
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    I think he means that the bot should block out all server ips
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