ChatEvent & SpawnEntity

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by linkrock4, Nov 26, 2012.

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    I was just wondering how you can SpawnEntities all over the world and how you could save a text and make it automaticly resay when someone types something in (example, i want to keep the servers name in the chat, well i could a text like this 'ServerName Bla Bla' and make it that when someone talks well it respams that name.) And about spawning entities, lets say i want to spawn a zombie every 1k blocks, how do i do that?
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    Make a for loop to iterate over chunks, as opposed to every 1k blocks. If the chunk doesn't contain en entity, spawn one in the type Zombie.

    As for the 'spam' thing... Make a config and set the string both in the config and in the code. Then onPlayerChat (PlayerAsyncChatEvent) make the format your string + their displayname + message
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