Inactive [CHAT] WordReplace 8.0 - A Simple Word Replacing Plugin [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DCSiira, May 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Word Replace - A Simple Word Replacing Plugin, Version: v8.0 This plugin replaces a few words, case insensitive , with one set word. As in, if you are an Admin on a server, you can make it so variations of you name are changed to one set name, and then colored. That way, you will notice users in need easier.

    Side note - Sorry to everyone, kinda died for a few months; just been very busy and distracted. I never heard that it didn't work so I just left it alone until now, again, sorry.

    • In depth word replacing now.
    • Create the confiqs.
    • Some punctuation marks at the end of a word will also be caught and changed, keeping the punctuation. ("!","!!!","'s","?",".")
    • COMMANDS!!!
    • When a user FULLY types in either the user name or display name of another player, it CAN be colored.
    Planned features:
    • Permissions for commands.
    • Better command error handling. (There is none right now, if there was an error, it catches it but doesn't tell you. 100% of success kinda thing.)
    • A few more commands i want to add.
    • Debating on making WAKAWAKA list a permanent part of the code
    • Post Ideas Below.
    Download WordReplace
    Source Code

    The Commands are as follow:

    /WR reload - reloads the plugin's config file
    /WR version - replies with the version number
    /WR list - replies with a list of all the current wordreplacements
    /WR add - Add a list to the config (Auto Reloads)
    /WR remove - Remove a list from the config(Auto Reloads)
    /WR help - Pretty strait forward and the best way to learn about the commands.

    To use the name replacer, set the node "replace-user-names" to true, and a random color will be chosen.

    Version 8.0
    • Fixed some things and updated to latest version.
    • The replace-name feature works now, but no longer can you choose the color.
    • The word list looks nicer.
    Version 6.1
    • Small code changes.
    Version 6.0
    • Added some safety catches to try to make sure the plugin doesn't crash.
    • Added /wr help, a Very useful command.
    • Changed /wr List a lot.
    • Changed the code around a little so that way, you don't need to have a word replacing list, just a word to replace to. As in you can have "- DARK_BLUE,WAKAWAKA" as a word list now.
    • Made it so that if a new node isn't in your config, it is added, instead of just breaking the configuration. YAY!!!
    • Random colors now only choose Brighter Colors and RAND can be used as a color choice.
    • Some code moving around and clean-up.
    More Changes :
    Show Spoiler
    Version 5.1
    • Added the name replaced and corresponding Node.
    • Fixed the /wr remove command, works correctly now.
    • Changed /wr List a bit.
    Version 5.0
    • Fixed the command /wr Reload. Redid a lot of code to do it.
    • Added the commands /wr Add & /wr Remove
    • Only OPs and Server console can use the commands now.
    • Changed /wr List a bit
    • Redid config file for easier readability (Delete old ones)(Again)
    • Made A LOT/TON/MASSIVE mess in the code, probably some bugs. PM any please.
    Version 4.0
    • Fixed the commands EXCEPT reload. Can't get it to work.
    • Redid config file for easier readability (Delete old ones) and added Color List
    • Got rid of the number of lists variable, realized better solution.
    • Cleaned up code A LOT/TON/MASSIVE AMOUNTS
    Version 3.0
    • Broke ALL commands except version
    • Added some things to make it so you can replace multiple words with different colors
    • Cleaned up code a little
    Version 2.0
    • Added some commands (/Wr)
    • Redid config file for easier readability (Delete old ones)
    • Cleaned up code a little
    Version 1.0
    • Initial release
    virtualism likes this.
  2. Offline


    So basically this can replace naughty words? Or any configed words.
  3. Offline


    Yes, any word you type into the config will be replaces with a predefined set word.
    Also allows for words to have after it a comma, exclamation point, and question mark. It's very easy to get by but i just made it so my users can get my attention in chat easier when the chat is FLYING past the screen sometimes.
  4. Offline


    idk it isnt working for me, preconfigure it maybe? with default bad words?
  5. Offline


    What are the in game commands? What is the syntax for the config list? These are all things that are beneficial in this plugin post!
  6. Offline


    its not working on my server ? what is the Problem
  7. Offline


    so how to u use this plugin?
  8. Offline


    S'fairly simple to use, throw it in plugins, start server, it'll generate the config file, open it up and edit it as desired. Restart server, BAM.
    here's an example of a working one:

    is-debugging: true
    normal-chat-color: WHITE
    replace-words-to: 'BIG MEATY COCK'
    Word-Replace-Version: '1.0'
    replace-these-words: [penis]
    replace-word-color: RED
    Those would make it perfect.
  9. Offline


    Uhm thanks @virtualism for clearing that up. There are no in game commands as of yet. This is just an initial release to see if people even want it. I'll add some more in the next few days/hours depending on how fast i can get my server fixed, there is a plugin messing everything up (not mine) and i dont know which.
  10. Offline


    I'll test this out later, but I love the idea! In game commands and further word replacing would be great
  11. Offline


    I love this plugin idea, I think you should keep working on it, our server would love it, since our server is a group of people from a forum, and forums have word filters, we usually have word filters that sort of define our group.

    Is it possible to have more than one filter? I can only seem to get one to work.
  12. Offline


    Okay guys, just a little update on info. I added commands and redid the config file to work better BUT i cant get the confiq to read/write correctly so you going to have to wait for both unless i cant figure it out soon.
  13. Gonna keep my eyes on this one. A plugin that can change everones use of my name to "Almighty god" is a good one :p
  14. Offline


    Can you make it if a Normal player says something in the chat that the plugin will replace that word, and if a admin says that word not?
    Love the plugin btw.
  15. Offline


    i could, though im trying to firgure out the config reloading error right now. permmissions will be added soon, thanks.
  16. Offline


    can i get a list of supported colors, this isn't working on my server and i think i might be using unsupported colors, it wouldn't hurt to know if there is a limit to how many lists i can have
  17. Offline


    I love this plug in idea! Although it doesn't want to work for me....I modified the config file to add a list:

    -WHITE,Emperor Knash,knash:sam:ch3ats

    leaving the other two in place and set the number of lists to 3 but now it doesn't want to load the config file........It says WordReplace v3.0 ENABLED but I don't see anything about the config being enabled and the plug in won't work. I do think this is awesome though and as far as I know is the only plug in of it's kind!
  18. Offline


    can i see the ENTIRE config file you have please?
    Also, just a guess but there needs to be a space between the dash the word WHITE on that list.

    SORRY guys, ive been VERY busy lately with majorly changing the server i run, some new games and of course Work and other random stuffs.
  19. Offline


    Actually it's working fine right now.
  20. Offline


    It kept giving me this error until I disabled it.
    2011-07-18 06:01:35 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_CHAT to WordReplace
    I'm running 1000. Please update it, I love this plugin.
  21. Offline


    UHM i just tried it on my server, both my programming server and my actual server and it works on both. Maybe a problem with the config. Can i see it please?
  22. Offline


    # Word Replace Version 3.0
    # Changing Word1 -> Word2 since 2011 (Not that long)
    #The color of chat after the replaced word
    normal-chat-color: WHITE
    #The number of word lists(VERY IMPORTANT)
    number-of-lists: 18
    # A list of List<String> values that go in this order:
    #  - WordColor,Word2,Words:To:Be:Replaced
    # no spaces, there are two examples below
    - RED,Beast,beast:Beast:TheBeast:thebeast:TheBeast808:thebeast808:BEAST:beast.:thebeast.:thebeast808.
    - RED,GOD,god:god.
    - RED,ADMIN,admin:admin.
    - RED,ADMINS,admins:admins.
    - BLUE,GRIEF,grief:greif:Grief:Greif:GRIEF:griefs:grief.:griefs.
    - BLUE,GRIEFED,griefed:greifed:Griefed:Greifed:GRIEFED:griefed.
    - BLUE,GRIEFER,griefer:greifer:Griefer:Greifer:GRIEFER:griefers:griefers.:griefer.
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,nigger:Nigger:nigg3r:Nigg3r:NIGGER:sandnigger:niggers:nigger.:niggers.:nigger,:niggers,
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,Jew:jew:j3w:jewish:Jewish:JEW:JEWISH:jews:jewed:jew.:jews.:jewed
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,spic:chink:wetback:cracker:spick:porch monkey:wet back:jewbag:negro
    - GREEN,highly respectable,gay:homo:h0m0:gays:gay.:homo.:gays.:homos:homos.
    - YELLOW,Kablooie,kab:Kab:Kablooie:kablooie:KablooieKablam:kablooiekablam:Kablooiekablam
    - RED,Wespburger,wesp:Wesp:wespburger
    - AQUA,workplace,kitchen:kitchen.
    - GREEN,Rules 1 and 2,/b/
    - YELLOW,Dylan the Endowed,dylan:Dylan:resslerd
    - YELLOW,Dylan the Endowed?,dylan?:Dylan?:resslerd?
    - WHITE,,
    # The First Example replaces the words "dcsiira", "dc", and "siira" with admin colored AQUA
    This was working before I updated to 1000 and we didn't make ay changes, so I don't know why it would break.
  23. Offline


    That config is for version 3.0, the new configs in both 4.0 and 5.0 are totally different and i didn't make them convert(not really sure how), just rename this config and copy the list into the new config that it makes. There is no longer a need for a list count. ALSO the words are not case sensetive so you do not need that many versions of Beast(Your First List) and my plugin already checks for and includes some punctuation so you don't need that second Dylan the Endowed one AND it always checks against the word that you have other words changing to. You config should look like this.

    # Word Replace Version 5.0
    # Changing Word1 -> Word2 since 2011 (Not that long)
    # Supported colors are: (case insensitive)
    # - Black(&0)             Dark_Gray(&8)
    # - Dark_Blue(&1)         Blue(&9)
    # - Dark_Green(&2)        Green(&a)
    # - Dark_Aqua(&3)         Aqua(&b)
    # - Dark_Red(&4)          Red(&c)
    # - Dark_Purple(&5)       Light_Purple(&d)
    # - Gold(&6)              Yellow(&e)
    # - Gray(&7)              White(&f)
    # - You can also use Pink for Light_Purple
    # This defaults to WHITE if it finds an error
    # An Example is "AQUA,Admin,dcsiira:dc:siira"
    # Which replaces the words "dc","dcsiira","siira" with "Admin", Colored in AQUA
    normal-chat-color: WHITE
    - RED,Beast,thebeast:TheBeast808
    - RED,GOD,god
    - RED,ADMIN,admin
    - BLUE,GRIEF,griefs
    - BLUE,GRIEFED,griefed
    - BLUE,GRIEFER,griefers
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,nigger:nigg3r:sandnigger:niggers
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,jew:j3w:jewish:jews:jewed
    - GREEN,Person of equal rights,spic:chink:wetback:cracker:spick:porch monkey:wet back:jewbag:negro
    - GREEN,highly respectable,gay:homo:h0m0
    - YELLOW,Kablooie,kab:kablooie:KablooieKablam
    - RED,Wespburger,wesp
    - AQUA,workplace,kitchen
    - GREEN,Rules 1 and 2,/b/
    - YELLOW,Dylan the Endowed,dylan:resslerd
    - WHITE,,
    Maybe a few off, not sure. it is very early. and i LOVE the Person of equal rights thing. Lol. its going on my server.
  24. Offline


    This is a very nice plugin, oh yeah guys here's a little bit of a example.

  25. Offline


    not case sensetive in anyway bro.
  26. Offline


    Is it possible to add a list for players, so that after the word has been replaced they can choose the color for the text after the word?

    And is it possible to add a feature to detect the color before the word, then repeat it afterwards?
  27. Offline


    could you explain that a TOUCH better, i'm not really sure i understand.
  28. Offline


    Well, i type green but after a word is replaced it is white. This is ok for default people but I want to make it so that after a word you can manually set the text color. If there isnt any set color it defaults to white.

    Even adding prefix/suffix because some people use that to store a color code.

    This is my current config:
    (Name)(Suffix "Green")(Text is Green)

    This plugin makes it go:
    (Name)(Suffix "Green")(Text is Green)(WordReplace "Specified Color)(Text White)

    I want to make it change to:
    (Name)(Suffix "Green")(Text is Green)(WordReplace "Specified Color)(Suffix or Specified Player Color)(Text Specified Color)
  29. Offline


    how does this work?
  30. Offline



    Why is it colored nicknames are random, can it not be based on a persons rank? :)

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