[CHAT] RevverChat v1.1 - Private Chat system for Admins/Ops - Now with Permissions! [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Revver, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v1.1
    This plugin enables the server's Administrators (Admins) or Operators (Ops) to have their own private chat channel by command. You can also give the permission to another user of that server to let them chat with admins too! The messages will only be sent to ops or granted people and the console itself, with a little prefix in front of the message which is configurable by yourself via a config file.​
    Download Latest jar (dropbox): RC.jar
    • Changeable name of private chat ingame or by config file.
    • Private Chat for Admins/Ops/People with Permission to do so.
    • Changeable colour of private chat ingame or by config file.
    Future Updates:
    • Ability to add users to the admin chat or kick them from it
    • Requests?
    • /revver on - switches to Private chat mode.
    • /revver off - switches to Normal chat mode.
    • /revver <message> - types a message to admin chat when in normal chat.
    • /revver setcolor <color> - sets the channel tag color.
    • /revver setchannelname <name> - sets the channel name.
    Supported Colors:

    Permission nodes:

    • v1.1 - Bugfixes - added colour changing and text changing
    • v1.0 - Release!
    Fress_ and boogy92 like this.
  2. Offline


    Great plugin, very use- and helpful, easy setup and no 5435934 needless extra functions, nice!

    Thank you :)
  3. Offline


    No problem, and yes i may change the commands to be alot more simple... :)
    boogy92 likes this.
  4. Offline


    Sorry for annoying, but are there any progresses with the commands? :p
  5. Offline


    Working on it now :)
  6. Offline


    Please source code or make chat for vip :)
  7. Offline



    I have RevverChat with PermissionsEX, and my mods group have revver.all in permissions. Whenever they try to use the /revver <message> command, it says "You do not have permission to chat in channel ModChat." As an OP, it works fine.

    Any ideas?
  8. Offline


    Its not updated and will highly unlikely will be...
  9. Offline


    TY so much, i was looking for this :D
  10. Offline


    if you can make different channels for different levels so a chat for one group and a channel for another. that would be nice :)
    p.s. is it possiable so that higher levels can see other peoples chat when they are in their private channel?
  11. Offline


    Thanks a lot, great plugin! Keep it up!
  12. Offline


    Yes :p Ill update it asap!

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