Inactive [CHAT] CustomMessages v1.5.0 - Change Join and Leave Messages [1.1 RB6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by psycowithespn, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Offically moved over to bukkitdev. Here
    old post (open)
    CustomMessages - Change Join and Leave Messages:

    Version: v1.4.1
    CustomMessages gives you and your users the ability to change their join and quit messages to whatever you want with color. This plugin can also change the global join and quit messages of everyone that isn't using the commands. I made this plugin for my server, TPLMC. This plugin is not dependent on iChat for color or Permissions. There are nodes for Permissions V3 in the plugin. They are listed under the commands. If you don't use Permissions, this plugin will default to ops. Thanks to anyone that uses this plugin. Ill try my best to put any suggestions in.
    You can use /name anywhere in any message to show the players name automatically. If you want to give messages out without them being able to set them, then set Use-Permissions-For-Messages to false. The Use-Permissions configuration node is useless now. Version 1.2.1 makes Use-Permissions-For-Messages actually work. Auto-Updater is included. It automatically downloads the latest version of CustomMessages into /plugins/CustomMessages/updates/(unless you have Auto-Update to disabled). You have to move it to /plugins/ in order to get the newest version. (Thanks to DCP for this)

    Commands (bold are new ones):
    • /customjoin <message> - Allows you to change your join message.
    • /customquit <message> - Allows you to change your quit message.
    • /resetjoin - Resets your join message to the global default.
    • /resetquit - Resets your quit message to the global default.
    • /customglobaljoin <message> - Sets default join message for people without messages
    • /customglobalquit <message> - Sets default quit message for people without messages
    • /resetglobalquit - Resets global quit message to the default
    • /resetglobaljoin - Resets global join message to the default
    • /customjoino <player> <message> - Change others messages
    • /customquito <player> <message> - Change others messages
    • /resetjoino <player> - Reset others messages
    • /resetquito <player> - Reset others messages
    • /colors - Shows all of the colors capable with the color codes. Use them iChat style in /customjoin/quit (&colorcode)
    • /updatecm - Will check for and download any updates without having to reload or restart the server.
    • /checkjoin/quit [player] - Shows the current join/quit message of you or a player
    • /checkglobaljoin/quit - Shows the current global join/quit message.
    Permission Nodes:

    • <CustomMessages.quit> - Allows access to /customquit and /resetquit
    • <CustomMessages.join> - Allows access to /customjoin and /resetjoin
    • <CustomMessages.Globaljoin> - Allows access to /customglobaljoin and /resetglobaljoin
    • <CustomMessages.Globalquit> - Allows access to /custoglobalquit and /resetglobalquit
    • <CustomMessages.quito> - Allows access to /customquito and /resetquito
    • <CustomMessages.joino> - Allows access to /customjoino and /resetjoino
    • <CustomMessages.Update> - Allows access to /updatecm
    • /checkjoin/quit and /checkglobaljoin/quit are available to everyone.
    • /colors is available to everyone without a node.
    Download The Plugin

    • Conflicts with MChat

    Version 1.4.2:
    • Optimized the way the configuration is handled. (should be less disk reads and writes)
    Version 1.4.1:
    • Fixed Conflict with StealthLogin (hopefully).
    Version 1.4:
    • Added /checkjoin/quit and /checkglobaljoin/quit

    Changelog (open)

    Version 1.3.2:
    • Fixed Null Pointer Exception with ops without a message
    • Fixed /customglobaljoin usage
    • Added Option in configuration to disable auto-updating.
    Version 1.3.1:
    • Feature: Added /updatecm - does an auto update without restarting or reloading the server
    • BugFix: Null pointer exception fixed
    Version 1.3:
    • BugFix: Fixed /colors showing usage.
    • Feature: Added Auto-Updater :D
    Version 1.2.1:
    • BugFix: Use-Permissions-For-Messages actually works now
    Version 1.2:
    • Added configuration node (Use-Permissions-For-Messages): Set to false to have messages without nodes or op
    • Added /customjoino/quito <player> <message>, /resetjoino/quito <player>
    Version 1.1.1:
    • Bugfix: Error when not using permissions
    Version 1.1:
    • Shows Color when setting messages
    • Added /customglobaljoin/quit and /resetglobaljoin/quit
    • Renamed Default-Join-Message to Global-Join-Message (in config)
    • Config.yml can actually be edited directly now, just reload to apply changes
    Version 1.0:
    • Released the plugin
  2. Offline


    The downloade link is not working :(
  3. Offline


    Should work now. I updated the plugin to V.1.2. This adds /customquito/joino and /resetjoino/quito. Also new config node for Use-Permissions-For-Messages, this sets whether permissions or op status will stop you from showing your custom messages. Use-Permissions is useless and can be deleted
    Adv likes this.
  4. Offline


    Thanks for adding my suggestion, I appreciate it.
  5. Offline


    Its no problem at all. I appreciate suggestions since normally I have no clue on how to expand on a plugin.
  6. Offline


    This plugin is amazing the server i am on is using it right now, i do have a suggestion though how about add a command so that you can change certain permission groups? I don't know if that is possible though.
    Like /customjoing [group] [message]
  7. Offline


    Realy thank you for editing the "OtherPlayerJoinMSGModify" Command : )

    But it only works for my when the Targeting Player is an Op while he is joining :S

    Can you help me?


    I appreciate your work!
  8. Offline


    If you set the Configuration node "Use-Permissions-For-Messages" to false, then this problem will be fixed.
  9. Offline


    I have a problem. I changed the join/quit messages for one of my players but his messages are still the same.

    My config:
  10. Offline


    I tried this too but it still doesnt Work : (

    But i realy thank you for your Help!

  11. Offline


    You have to give the player op / permissions nodes or set Use-Permissions-For-Messages to false. You have to update to 1.2.1 in order for this to work.

    I updated the plugin to 1.2.1 in order to fix this problem.
  12. Offline


    Ah alright, thanks.
  13. Offline


    Oh My God! :D This Plugin works PERFECTLY now! : )

    I realy, realy Thank you for adding the "/customjoino" , "/customquito" & remote reset! :D
    All works so GREAT now! :D I realy appreciate your Work! ; )

  14. Offline


    Thanks. Im glad i could help.
  15. Offline

    Chazza :)

    I Have Many Plugins But This One Has To Be The Best Of Them All :)
  16. Offline


    Thank you. Do you know of any ways to make it better? :p
  17. Offline


    Added an auto updater, courtesy of the guy behind DCP (Kalman Olah). It will download any and all updates to CustomMessages to /plugins/CustomMessages/updates/
  18. Offline


    Expanded on this by adding /updatecm. This command goes through this procedure without having to restart or reload the server to do downloads.
  19. Offline


    Is there a way to disable the auto updater?
  20. Offline


    I can put a way in but i dont see the reason why. It downloads the updates to /plugins/CustomMessages/updates/. You still have to move the file. But I can easily put a configuration setting in for you.
  21. Offline


    My only concern is what happens when the auto-updater can't reach the download server. It eventually times out, but it makes my server restarts take longer than usual.
  22. Offline


    Ok I see your point. Just download version and then set the Auto-Update setting to false to disable it. You can still update manually with /updatecm.
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Fixed an Null Pointer Exception that occurs when an op doesn't have a quit message and joins or leaves. Version 1.3.2 has no bugs that i can see in my testing. If you experience any problems, please don't hesitate to tell me. I will most likely be able to help you.
  25. Offline


    How do you add colour to a join and quit message please let me know as soon as you can
  26. Offline


    You just do "&" and then 0-9 or a-f. It has to be lowercase. /colors links to the individual codes. So for example: "&2Hello" would show Hello in green.

    Was that fast enough? :p
  27. Offline


    ok how do i get this to work?
    i want it to say:
    (name) has joined RPNations!
    /\ /\
    name is in &6 Rest is in &d

    the (name) is obviously the persons name that joins...
    this is what i have so far and its not working...
    &6/name&d has joined RPNations!

    all it shows is
    /name has joined RPNations!

    how do i do it properly?
  28. Offline


    Can you tell me what version you have? And what does the config look like?
  29. Offline


    In case others are having problems after updating, the config.yml file isn't being updated correctly. It got to the point where the plugin didn't even work for me without deleting the config.yml and have the plugin make another one.
  30. Offline


    I didnt know this was happening. Are there any server logs or crash logs that you have so i can hopefully fix this issue?
  31. Offline


    No sorry. That's one of the first things I checked. I didn't mess with this plugin for a while as it wasn't that big of a concern for our server. Once I did though, I noticed the plugin wasn't reading the config's changes nor registering the commands (after I updated to 1.3). The plugin was loading though.

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