[CHAT] Colors v2.0.2 (2.0.3b4) - Adds color to your chat [1.6.4-R2.0] [Permissions/bPermissions/PEX]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by tyzoid, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Latest version:
    Dev Build:
    All Downloads:​

    Beta 2.0.3b4 needs more extensive testing. It works fine on bPermissions/bPermissions nano
    Description: (open)

    Allows users to color their chat by using a configurable character (By default, the ampersand "&" and the carat "^") followed by a hexadecimal number (0-F). I recieved a request to post this plugin after someone used it on my server.

    Rainbow mode is toggled by a configurable command (by default "/colors" and "/colours"). This can be disabled in the settings.

    Admin can use the admin command (by default "/ca") to set and reset players' and groups' prefixes/suffixes. If you don't have permissions installed, the admin command will default to Op, and the two groups that will exist are: "Op" and "Default"

    Users can change their own prefixes and suffixes using configurable commands (by default "/prefix" and "/suffix").

    A small note about version numbers: x.y.z
    • X.Y represents the Minecraft version number that was out when the update was released.
    • The Z represents the release number.
    So the version 1.7.2 would indicate that it is the second release of the plugin, on minecraft 1.7

    Starting with version 2.0.0,
    The version number is unrelated to the minecraft version. It goes by major.minor.release
    Any questions, comments, suggestions, or plugin breaks (I'm not always on the latest version of CB), please post here.
    Example: (open)

    Hello &9there.
    results in:
    Hello there.

    /colors Hello there.
    results in:
    (If the image isn't loading, click here.)
    List of Color Codes (open)

    The Admin Command: (open)

    /<colorsadmin> [set/get/remove/reset] [prefix/suffix] [p:/g:] <name> (<prefix/suffix>)

    Command breakdown:
    • [Set/get/remove/reset]
      • Required
      • Remove and reset are alises
      • Remove and reset removes the prefix/suffix
      • Set sets a prefix/suffix
      • Get tells the admin what the current prefix/suffix is
    • [prefix/suffix]
      • Required
      • Self explanatory
    • [p:/g:]
      • Required
      • p: tells the plugin you are setting the player's prefix/suffix
      • g: tells the plugin you are setting the group's prefix/suffix
    • <name>
      • Required
      • Fill it in with either the group, or player name, depending on what you put for [p:/g:]
    • (<prefix/suffix>)
      • Required in certain contexts
      • Only use if you are setting a username [set]
      • Just type in the prefix/suffix you want to set here.
    To color a name, just set a prefix with the last 2 characters be the hex code for the color (using the character set in the properties file).

    /ca set prefix p: tyzoid &cAdmin &a
    When tyzoid (me) talks, it will look like this:
    <Admin Tyzoid> Hello.
    Permissions nodes: (open)

    Permissions nodes:
    • colors.hex
      • This is the node that allows people to use (or not use) the "&" or "^" character (or a different one, depending on your configuration) followed by a hexadecimal code.
    • colors.rainbow
      • This is the node that allows people to use (or not use) rainbow mode. (Use with care - can create an eyesore)
    • colors.admin
      • This is the node that allows people to use the admin commands. (Setting/resetting prefixes and suffixes) Use with care.
    • colors.prefix
      • This node allows users to change their own prefix.
    • colors.suffix
      • This node allows users to change their own suffix.
    • colors.reload
      • This node allows people to reload the settings in-game.
    Changelog: (open)

    Version 1.7.4
    • Added support for superperms
    • Added ability to reload configuration files in-game (Default command: /creload and /cr)
    • New permissions node
      • colors.reload
    • Added crash protection (If the server crashes, prefix/suffix data will not be lost.
    Version 1.7.3
    • Fixed bug #5
    Version 1.7.2
    • Added ability for players to color their own names.
    • added two new permissions nodes
      • colors.prefix
      • colors.suffix
    • The suffix no longer needs to be colored white.
    Version 1.7.1
    • Minor bugfixs
    • Player names are no longer case sensitive. (Group names still are)
    Version 1.6.2
    • Fixed bug #2
    • Fixed bug #3
    • Fixed bug #4
    Version 1.6.1
    • Build with a newer version of permissions
    • Fixed bug #1
    Version 1.5.5
    • Added admin commands.
    • Added a permissions node:
      • colors.admin
    • Added a few more configuration options.
    • Added Prefixes and suffixes.
    Version 1.5.4
    • Added permissions support.
    • Added two permissions nodes:
      • colors.hex
      • colors.rainbow
    Version 1.5.3
    • Added a configuration file.
    Version 1.5.2
    • Releasing my plugin by request.
    Bugs and Todo: (open)

    1. Prefixes and suffixes clear if the server crashes.(Fixed in 1.6.1)
    2. Incompatibility with defaultCommands.(Fixed in 1.6.2)
    3. Individual suffix not setting.(Fixed in 1.6.2)
    4. Permissions nodes not working.(Fixed in 1.6.2)
    5. Bug with superperms not having groups.(Fixed in 1.7.3)
    6. Double chat with some chat plugins.(Fixed in 1.7.5)
    7. Player's name as "null"(Fixed in 2.0.0)
    8. Fix regex error.(Fixed in 2.0.1)
    9. Fix another permissions glitch.(Fixed in 2.0.1)
    10. Fix NPE when the person is offline.(Fixed in 2.0.1)
    • Add a configuration file.(Added in 1.5.3)
    • Add Permissions Support(Added in 1.5.4)
    • Add an admin command (by default "/ca") to allow prefixing names.(Added in 1.5.5)
    • Add ability of players (with permissions) to be able to color their own names.(Added in 1.7.2)
    • Support bukkit's new internal permissions manager.(Added in 1.7.4)
    • Add chat formatting. (Toggle-able)(Added in 2.0.0)
    • Add rainbow prefixes.(Added in 2.0.0)
    • Add color lock for messages.(Added in 2.0.0)
    • Implement support for PEX and bPermissions for groups.

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


    It should work, but herochat does prefixes/suffixes too. You don't really need both, but if you wanted to, you could.
  3. Kk
  4. Offline


    I'm using version 1.7.5 and I get a "Unknown command" error when using /creload or /cr.
    Also, when I change the group of a player, the initial prefix remains, even after reload of all the plugins.
    Because /creload does not work, the player has to log out and log in again in order to update the prefix.

    It does. Because HeroChats prefix/suffix system is broken with the new bukkit releases, I tried Colors in order to fix that, and it worked!
    Only problem is: If Essentials is installed, it totally suppresses ALL name changing and prefix adding plugins. :/

    EDIT: Found al Solution to get Colors and other name changing plugins to work alongside Essentials!
    Just change the line in the Essentials config:
    change-displayname: true
    to: false

    And it will let other plugins have control over prefixes ect. :)
    agtwonderbread likes this.
  5. Offline


    Thank you.

    BTW, I have an update coming out, but I just have to track down some errors it is giving me.
  6. Hey,
    I dont know whether this is already a feature but if possible it would be nice if you could permanently toggle what colour you would like your writing to be, For example /&5 then everything you type afterwards will be purple until you turn it off :D?
  7. Offline


    @Aaron Mullins(CoWs)
    Not a feature yet, but I could implement that.

    I just need to debug a few things first.
  8. Would be awesome if you could :D,
    Thanks for reply :)
  9. Offline


    @Aaron Mullins(CoWs)
    Would something like
    /color b
    work? That would be the easiest way to implement it.
  10. Sure sure np,
    That would be fine, would be awesome if you could do it :D
  11. Offline


    how do i use this plugin sorrectly im so confused
  12. Offline


    Are you stuck on installing it? Configuring it? or using it in-game?
  13. Offline


    Can u attach how a default Config pic?
    That would help alot
  14. Offline


    The plugin automatically generates a default configuration for any file that is missing.

    Rename the folder, and It will generate a default config.
  15. Offline


    ok it has a groups file and a users file does it automatically link to permissions without editing it?
  16. Offline


    Yes. It supports Permissions 2.x/3.x and all new permissions plugins.
  17. Offline


    Thank you! I've been trying to figure out why the hell my prefixes weren't showing up.
  18. Offline


    Getting this to work with PermissionsEx would rock :)
  19. Offline


    Works 100%. Thanks! I really like it, been looking for one. Also, a quick question, how do I set prefixes for others?
  20. Offline


    You need to use the admin command.

    /ca set prefix p: <playername> <prefix>
  21. Offline


    Okay, I will try it later, thank you very much! =]
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    So if I get you correctly, CA does have group prefixes.... But i can't seem to use it with permissions...
    I add a user (let's say john) to a permissions group (lets say users), and my question is, how to i apply a prefix "&5["user"] &f" to that user group so everyone in the permission group users has that prefix

    The thing I'm trying to do is:
    >(somecolor)["user"] (white)%name%:
    same of the admins
    >(someothercolor)[ADMIN] (white)%name%:

    FYI: I'm using PermissionsBukkit for my server
  24. Offline


    Just installed colors, it looks like a good plugin, but for me it's not working...
    I have the standard essentials, no chat, just the main jar. Will this interfere with it?
    I kind of need essentials for my server, because its.. well.. essential.
    I have permissions 3 installed, and have all the prefixes and suffixes set for my groups, but
    there is no color...
    Installed Plugins (there's a lot):
    Chest Shop
    Essentials (just the main jar, no chat, spawn or any of that stuff)
    Permissions 3
    World Guard
    Here is my permissions group setup...
            default: false
                prefix: '&a'
                suffix: '&a'
                build: true
                stop: false
            - waypoint.home
            - waypoint.home.set
            - waypoint.spawn
            - essentials.afk
            - essentials.compass
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.coords
            - essentials.help
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.online
            - essentials.playerlist
            - essentials.me
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.tell
            - essentials.m
            - essentials.t
            - essentials.reply
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.seen
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.tp
            - essentials.tele
            - essentials.tpa
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - essentials.tpyes
            - essentials.tpahere
            - essentials.tpdeny
            - essentials.tppos
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.rank
            - iConomy.access
            - jail.usercmd.jailstatus
            default: false
                prefix: '&5'
                suffix: '&5'
                build: true
                stop: false
            - User
            - essentials.repair
            - essentials.fix
            - essentials.invsee
            - essentials.ext
            - essentials.suicide
            - worldedit.drain
            - worldedit.fixlava
            - worldedit.fixwater
            - worldedit.extinguish
            default: false
                prefix: '&b'
                suffix: '&b'
                build: true
            - Helper
            - essentials.tpo
            - essentials.tpohere
            - essentials.tptoggle
            - essentials.god
            - essentials.godmode
            - essentials.tgm
            - essentials.give
            - essentials.heal
            - essentials.item
            - essentials.tree
            - essentials.spawner
            - essentials.antioch
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.banip
            - essentials.burn
            - essentials.clearinventory
            - essentials.ci
            - essentials.fireball
            - essentials.jails
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.kill
            - essentials.lightning
            - essentials.strike
            - essentials.mute
            - essentials.tempban
            - essentials.thunder
            default: false
                prefix: '&6'
                suffix: '&6'
                build: true
            - Moderator
            - essentials.unlimited
            - essentials.ul
            - worldedit.fast
            - worldedit.generation.cylinder
            - worldedit.generation.pyramid
            - worldedit.history.redo
            - worldedit.history.undo
            - worldedit.history.clear
            - worldedit.navigation.unstuck
            - worldedit.navigation.ascend
            - worldedit.navigation.descend
            - worldedit.navigation.ceiling
            - worldedit.navigation.thru
            - worldedit.navigation.jumpto
            - worldedit.navigation.up
            - worldedit.region.set
            - worldedit.region.replace
            - worldedit.region.stack
            - worldedit.region.overlay
            - worldedit.region.naturalize
            - worldedit.region.walls
            - worldedit.region.faces
            - worldedit.region.smooth
            - worldedit.regen
            - worldedit.analysis.count
            - worldedit.selection.expand
            - worldedit.selection.contract
            - worldedit.selection.pos
            - worldedit.selection.hpos
            - worldedit.wand
            - worldedit.wand.toggle
            - worldedit.brush.options.size
            - worldedit.brush.options.mask
            - worldedit.superpickaxe
            - worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive
            - worldedit.superpickaxe.area
            - worldedit.tool.info
            - worldedit.tool.replacer
            - worldedit.brush.sphere
            - worldedit.brush.cylinder
            - worldedit.brush.smooth
            - worldedit.brush.ex
            - worldedit.tool.deltree
            - worldedit.tool.farwand
            - worldedit.tool.lrbuild
            - worldedit.brush.options.material
            - worldedit.brush.options.range
            - worldedit.tool.info
            - worldedit.tool.replacer
            - worldedit.fill.recursive
            - worldedit.removeabove
            - worldedit.removebelow
            - worldedit.removenear
            - worldedit.replacenear
            - worldedit.snow
            - worldedit.thaw
            - worldedit.green
            - worldedit.generation.sphere
            - jail.command.jail
            - jail.command.unjail
            - jail.command.jailtelein
            - jail.command.jailteleout
            - jail.command.jaillist
            - jail.command.jailcheck
            - jail.command.jaillistcells
            - jail.command.jailmute
            - jail.command.jailstop
            default: false
                prefix: '&c'
                suffix: '&c'
                build: true
            - AdvancedModerator
            - '*'
    Hope you can help,
  25. Offline


    Colors doesn't yet support PermissionsBukkit for groups. We are working on this, but there is no official way to hook into PermissionsBukkit or bPermissions.

    Colors doesn't access the prefix and suffix defined within Permissions.

    Use /ca set prefix g: <groupname> <prefix>
    To define prefixes and suffixes for groups.
  26. Offline


    I tried setting the Admin color in-game. It responded that the change was successful, but there was no color to my chat.
    I used:
    /ca set prefix g: Admin &c
    No color :(

    Do you think that doing this in the /plugin/color/groups.list would help?
    Could you post an example using the Helpers group?

    PS: I am running 1561 dev build.
  27. Offline


    Try running your server with just colors. Do prefixes work?

    If not, make sure you are typing the group names in correctly. (They are case sensitive)
    If so, add plugins back one by one, and see when the issue reappears. Once you have identified the plugin, post back and with the plugin that is conflicting.

    This issue also might be solved in a (hopefully) upcomming release.
  28. Offline


    Ok will try, I will update this post with the outcome
    *Crossing Fingers*

    UPDATE: Found it! It was essentials... Ill try re-installing and see if I can fix it.
  29. Offline


    Glad you found the issue.

    If reinstalling the plugin doesn't fix the issue, let me take a look at your configuration for essentials.
  30. Offline


    Ok, hope you develop that soon enough, but in the mean time, one more question... If I add a prefix to a group, then how do i add the player to that group? I know that I can't do that with perms, but then is there a /ca group control or smth?

    BTW, gr8 job, working perfectly on players alone
  31. Offline


    Not sure if this is possible but it would be awesome if you could set the chat color as well, instead of using the &1Hello we should be able to set a color that will stay every time we talk. Great plugin imo.

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