[CHAT/ADMN] OKChat v3.0.7 - It only does everything chat-related! [1.0.0-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jul 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    OC - OKChat
    by Kalman Olah​
    Latest version: 3.0.7 ( Download )​
    Would you like to buy me a drink? some useless stuff from Amazon? a car?​
    What is OKChat?
    OKChat is twenty plugins in one. If it's chat related, it can do it.

    OKChat supports Permissions, PermissionsEX, bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit.
    Where can I download OKChat?
    The latest version of OKChat can always be found here.
    Additionally, OKChat comes with an auto-updater which will download updates to the /plugins/OKChat/update/ folder.
    How do I set up OKChat?
    After you've extracted the .jar to your server's /plugins/ directory and have restarted your server OKChat will generate a config.yml file, which can be found in the /plugins/OKChat/ directory.
    This configuration file is fully commented and should be easy to understand for anyone.​
    How do I use OKChat?
    OKChat commands:​
    OKChat permissions:
    Check out OKChat on Github!

    Version 3.0.7
    • Attempted fix for "StringOutOfBoundsException". This is a java bug. Screw you, replaceAll.
    Version 3.0.6​
    • Fixed player list formatting. Turns out I had disabled it. Why? No idea.
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler

    Version 3.0.5​
    • Added the config boolean "general.strip-log-color" to strip all color from logged chat. This feature sure is extremely useful.
    Version 3.0.4​
    • Priority overhaul to fix compatability with other plugins such as xAuth, modifyworld, mcMMO, etc...
    Version 3.0.3​
    • Fixed not being able to whisper players with an underscore in their names. I forgot you could use underscores...
    Version 3.0.2​
    • Fixed local chat not showing up to the player chatting.
    • Added console logging of chat.
    Version 3.0.1​
    • Added %time% variable. You can configure the format in "general.time-format".
    • Added "okchat.chatcolor" node. Guess what it does? Won't work well with word wrapping, due to the way it splits long chat messages into multiple messages.
    Version 3.0.0​
    • Complete recode. Added a lot of features. Check the config and you'll understand.
    Version 2.2.1​
    • Made %currentplrs% and %maxplrs% usable in more messages.
    Version 2.2.0​
    • Added optional logging of PMs/replies. Check the example config to see what key you need to add, or OKChat will not work if you do not delete your configuration first.
    Version 2.1.3​
    • Setting join,quit,kick messages to "default" will cause them to remain unaltered. Setting them to empty values, or removing them from your config file will result in the message being removed completely.
    Version 2.1.2​
    • Important bugfix.
    Version 2.1.1​
    • Ignored deprecation warnings. Thanks bukkit!
    Version 2.1.0​
    • Added /who <world>. Lets you see players in <world>. Node: okchat.whoworld
    • Added /dnd <message>. It's like /dnd, but your custom message is also shown to the player whispering you.
    Version 2.0.2​
    • Tablist names are now set 5 seconds after login.
    Version 2.0.1​
    • Updated for 1240.
    Version 2.0.0​
    • Added /who command.
    • Added motd.
    • Added "TAB" player list formatting.
    • Added the ability to use color codes with signs.
    • Misc additions and rewrites.
    • Added compatability with GroupManager.
    • Added compatability with bPermissions.
    Version 1.5.0​
    • Compressed code.
    • Added hooks for future handlers for persistent pms.
    • Added anonymous stat sending option.
    Version 1.4.2​
    • Added /m to the incredibly large list of /w aliases.
    Version 1.4.1​
    • Added the /afk command. Node: okchat.afk.
    • Added the "%status%" formatting variable. If a user has DND turned on, it will be <DND>. If a user has AFK turned on, it will be <AFK>. DND takes priority over AFK. This can be coloured and used in all chat formats, including DND, ignore, regular chat, whispers and the like.
    Version 1.4.0​
    • Added Persistent messaging along with the /pm command. /pm <target> <message> will send someone a message, and any further regular chat will be sent to this player, as a message. /pm clears this status.
    Version 1.3.3​
    • Fixed a bug where the DND status wouldn't work if you were ignoring someone.
    Version 1.3.2​
    • Added the weight value for chat formats. If a player has 2 format permissions nodes, the format with the highest config.yml weight value will be used.
    Version 1.3.1​
    • Fixed a bug with replies.
    Version 1.3.0​
    • Added an ignore system. This ignore list is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Added a DND system. This mode is reset when you log out or get kicked.
    • Made OKChat use commands /w,/whisper,/r,/re,/reply,/msg,/message,/tell,/respond...because I can.
    • Added customizable whisper, reply, ignore, emote, DND message formats in the config.yml.
    Version 1.2.2​
    • Changed /r to /re to avoid certain bugs.
    Version 1.2.1​
    • You can now disable custom join/kick/quit messages by simply removing the value from your config file.
    Version 1.2.0​
    • Added custom join, leave and kick messages. Thanks to @Asphodan for the suggestion.
    Version 1.1.8​
    • The displayname is now displayed when you use /me.
    Version 1.1.7​
    • Attempted message color bugfix.
    Version 1.1.6​
    • Fixed a bug that caused color codes in prefixes/suffix not to be parsed.
    Version 1.1.5​
    • Removed SuperPerms support again.
    Version 1.1.4​
    • Added SuperPerms support.
    • Added bInfo (prefixes/suffixes for superperms) support.
    • Added the %suffix% variable.
    Version 1.1.3​
    • Hotfix to fix an issue where the plugin crashed when the auto-update server was down.
    Version 1.1.2​
    • Fixed a bug that caused OKChat to throw errors when no prefix was set.
    Version 1.1.1​
    • Added the %prefix% format variable. This gets a player's permissions group/user prefix.
    Version 1.1.0​
    • Added the 'okchat.color' permission node. If you have this node, you can use the &1 - &9 and &a - &f color codes in chat.
    • Added the 'okchat.emote' permission node. If you have this node, you can use the /me <message> command to broadcast an action. I think it looks pretty neat too, to be honest.
    • Added the 'okchat.whisper' and 'okchat.reply' permission nodes. If you have these nodes, you can use the /w <target> <message> and /r <message> commands to send and reply to messages.
    Version 1.0.2​
    • Removed a debugging value I forgot to remove.
    • Changed the plugin so the actual chat message remains unaltered. This should make sure OKChat doesn't cause issues with stuff like Dynmap.
    Version 1.0.1​
    • Improvements.
    Version 1.0.0​
    • Initial release.
    minechomp, zecheesy and mruczek like this.
  2. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Bukkit sets your tablist name back to default upon login.
    Solution: set the name a few seconds AFTER login.
    I fixed it, but had forgotten to upload it :p.

    Version 2.0.2
    • Tablist names are now set 5 seconds after login.

    For the record @Kane ... This was in my 2.0.0 post:
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    Kane likes this.
  3. Offline


    Ahh.. See we are all to derp for that <3 Also

    03:58:51 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to OKChat
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class me.kalmanolah.oc.OKPlayerListener$1 from class me.kalmanolah.oc.OKPlayerListener
            at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKPlayerListener.onPlayerJoin(OKPlayerListener.java:101)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:244)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:339)
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfigurationManager.java:129)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:121)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:39)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:94)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    03:58:51 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to OKChat
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: me/kalmanolah/oc/OKPlayerListener$1
            at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKPlayerListener.onPlayerJoin(OKPlayerListener.java:101)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:244)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:339)
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfigurationManager.java:129)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:121)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:39)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:94)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)

    Let me guess config :p

    EDIT: Nope <3 New Config
  4. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Did you try a full restart as opposed to a plugin reload? This works fine on some other servers I frequent.
  5. Offline


    It was offline actually deleted the config and booted up and got that error. here is the pre generated config:

    time-format: HH:mm:ss
        join-message: '&f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f has entered &c%world%&f!'
        quit-message: '&f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f mysteriously vanishes...'
        kick-message: Odin is not pleased with &f%prefix%&6%displayname%&f!
        message-of-the-day: '&cGreetings &f%displayname%&c, and welcome to &f%world%&c.|%wholist%'
        whisper-from-format: '&7* From %status%&e%displayname%&7:&f %message%'
        whisper-to-format: '&7* To %status%&e%displayname%&7:&f %message%'
        emote-format: '&7 * &f%displayname%&7 %message% *'
        dnd-format: '&7* &e%displayname%&7 is not accepting messages at this time. *'
        ignore-format: '&7* &e%displayname%&7 is ignoring you. *'
        tab-list-format: '&c%prefix%%displayname%%suffix%'
        who-message-format: '&cThere are currently &f%currentplrs%&c out of &f%maxplrs%&c
            players online.'
        who-player-list-format: '&b%prefix%%displayname%%suffix%'
            weight: '0'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7] &c%name%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '50'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&2MEMBER&7] %status%&c%name%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '75'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&aMOD&7] %status%&c%displayname%&7: &f%message%'
            weight: '100'
            format: '&7[&e%world%&7][&b%time%&7][&3%prefix%%suffix%&7] %status%&c%displayname%&7:
        enable-anonymous-stat-tracking: 'true'
  6. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Just tested it again. Working just fine. This build has been in use for a few days now, with no issues.
    Try redownloading I suppose.
  7. Offline


    Found the issue it's iConomy.jar causing it. Now I'm going try connecting to a database since this local test server so it's not connecting to anything.

    Wait N/m WTF some how your plugin got installed one time as icon

    /me facepalm 1000x

    Some how I feel like the biggest idiot now hahaa

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  8. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  9. Offline


    I was using windows here to do testing if that's enough reason to blame it haha. I still don't get colored names in tab but meh I don't care. I was able to get rid of an old plugin that was just meant for /who.

    Be cool if it could be organized some how.
  10. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You need to make sure your permissions prefixes contain the color codes in order for tabnames to be colored.
    Also, keep in mind that the name is set a few seconds after you log in.
  11. Offline


    Yeah both hehe. I use chatmanager in pex for coloring works great for /who and its the exact same setting for the tab oh well hehe.
  12. >jaime@Lime:~/minecraft/server$ ./minecraft.sh
    161 recipes
    17 achievements
    00:30:39 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.8.1
    00:30:39 [INFO] Loading properties
    00:30:39 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    00:30:39 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1112-g54a13b2-b1240jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
    00:30:39 [INFO] Preparing level "slimecraft"
    00:30:39 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    00:30:40 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -7497636727849103302)
    00:30:41 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -7497636727849103302)
    00:30:41 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
    00:30:41 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to enable OKChat v2.0.2 by Kalman Olah...
    00:30:41 [INFO] [OKChat] Initiating auto-update...
    00:30:42 [INFO] [OKChat] You already have the latest version of OKChat.
    00:30:42 [INFO] [OKChat] Permissions plugin not found, shutting down...
    00:30:42 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to disable OKChat...
    00:30:42 [INFO] [OKChat] Terminating worker threads...
    00:30:42 [INFO] [OKChat] OKChat disabled successfully.
    00:30:42 [INFO] PermissionsBukkit v1.2 is now enabled
    00:30:42 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    00:30:42 [INFO] Done (0,258s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

    I'm having problems, for some reason OKChat is starting before permissions :S I don't get it, why does this happen?
  13. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    PermissionsBukkit is not supported.
  14. Oh! My bad! Sorry lol
  15. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Got an error log?
  16. Offline


    my bad i ended up getting it to work with only admins group... which is extremely odd.... I Can't get it to work with Moderator group for some reason. I've set up the mod group added the node for it and made some1 a mod. And no prefix shows up beside their name.
  17. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Post your config.yml real quick.
  18. Offline


    time-format: HH:mm:ss
    join-message: '&e%displayname%&e joined the game.'
    quit-message: '&e%displayname%&e has left the game.'
    kick-message: '&e%displayname%&e has left the game.'
    whisper-from-format: '&7* From &7%displayname%&7:&f %message%'
    whisper-to-format: '&7* To &7%displayname%&7:&f %message%'
    emote-format: '&7 * &f%displayname%&7 %message% *'
    dnd-format: '&7* &f%displayname%&7 is not accepting messages at this time. *'
    ignore-format: '&7* &f%displayname%&7 is ignoring you. *'
    weight: '0'
    format: '<&f%displayname%>&7: &f%message%'
    weight: '50'
    format: '&f%name%: &f%message%'
    weight: '100'
    format: '&3%prefix%%suffix%&7 &f%displayname%&7:
    weight: '100'
    format: '&3%prefix%%suffix%&7 &f%displayname%&7:
    weight: '0'
    format: '<&f%displayname%>&7: &f%message%'
    weight: '0'
    format: '<&f%displayname%>&7: &f%message%'

    its kinda weird though i can demote an old admin (new one wont work) to a moderator and it'll work.

    OK finally figured it out.... I was one case off in my group manager config.... i had okchat.format.Moderator
    When it actually needed to be okchat.format.moderator. I feel like a dumbass now lol

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  19. Offline


    Is there not one prefix plugin that supprts bukkit permissions and the latest build?
  20. Offline


    Hi, I play on a fairly busy minecraft server called Godcraft (godcraft.com)
    We have a constant ammount of players online (72 and more sometimes) and I we use your plugin, id have a request, and im willing to donate if you put this request in your chat plugin, A GROUP convo chat, instead of 1 on 1 convos, we could add more players (maybe up to 10 or 20) that would be really cool ! You can let me know, and email me anytime!
  21. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I've had similar requests from other servers. I could do it. Do you want the convo's to reset on logout, or to be stored?
    EDIT: Also, do you mean as in channels, or as in: "player 1 invites player 2 and 3. 2 and 3 accepts, now they can all happily talk together."
  22. Offline


    One thing that is easy to craft I think and noticed some others talking about it is world based who not like if your in pvp /who only shows pvp but if you type /who pvp it shows you who is in pvp. Not sure if this something you would consider. The only request I do ask is you consider adding extra permission for it.

    Thanks :)
  23. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I'll add this in a few hours. Playing some super serious videogames right now.
  24. Offline


    Just repeats the message like four times...
  25. Offline


    haha better not be rage <3 and have a kick ass time!
  26. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  27. Offline


    Another crazy one I thought of was /dnd something something. Allow the user make a custom message. like supper lunch or even sleeping. hehe. Lot my players afk a lot just a silly idea.

    Thanks for a great plugin.

  28. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Version 2.1.0​
    • Added /who <world>. Lets you see players in <world>. Node: okchat.whoworld
    • Added /dnd <message>. It's like /dnd, but your custom message is also shown to the player whispering you.
    You HAVE to either delete your config, or add new lines to it. See the OP for the updated example config.yml.
    Kane likes this.
  29. Offline


    I've tried a couple times but OKChat isn't generating a config file for me.. Can i get the full .zip or the config files?

    Read Permissioins Bukkit isnt supported... shame.
  30. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Version 2.1.1​
    • Ignored deprecation warnings. Thanks bukkit!
  31. Offline


    18:54:30 [INFO] [OKChat] Successfully hooked into Permissions plugin.
    18:54:30 [INFO] [OKChat] Attempting to create configuration file...
    18:54:30 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKConfig.loadkeys(OKConfig.java:140)
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKConfig.addDefaults(OKConfig.java:8
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKConfig.configCheck(OKConfig.java:2
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at me.kalmanolah.oc.OKmain.onEnable(OKmain.java:132)
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlug
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(Si
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftSe
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(Craf
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServe
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServe
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftSe
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftSer
    18:54:30 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(Sour
    18:54:30 [SEVERE] [OKChat] Erorr creating configuration file.
    18:54:30 [INFO] [OKChat] OKChat v2.1.1 enabled successfully.
    Running craftbukkit 1317, OKChat 2.1.1
    The config file IS created and this is all thats put into it:
        enable-anonymous-stat-tracking: 'true'
    2.1.0 works fine.
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