Chaning player's inventory before they die.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by millerni456, Dec 21, 2011.

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    Title sums up my question pretty good.

    I'm trying to spawn chests when a player dies and fill it with their inventory.
    The problem is that the chest fills and the items drop. So it duplicates them.

    That's because I don't know how to change the player's inventory before they die.

    On the event: EntityDeathEvent, i check to see if a player dies. If so I spawn a chest and fill it.
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    Probably this:

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    Sorry Cpt Sausage that didn't work.
    However, nisovin, that did work. Thanks!

    EDIT: Actually i had to add the items to the chest before i could clear the drops. Originally i tried storing the drops in a variable which didn't work.
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