Solved Change a Slab to a other one

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Seadragon91, Dec 30, 2011.

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    I tried to change a slab to a other slab over setData(). I thought that It work like by the wool, but nothing happens.
    Here is my code on pastebin:

    I maked 2 class the Main Class and a class for the Event PlayerListener. I do not see what I am doing wrong. Do I have to use a other method?
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    That's odd. I'd guess it's some kind of bug. However, you can get it to work by changing this:
    b.setData((byte) PlayerActions.value);
    to this:
    b.setTypeIdAndData(b.getTypeId(), (byte) PlayerActions.value, true);
    Just so you know, your code was actually working, it just wasn't sending the block update to the player. If you logged out and back in you would see that the block actually had changed.
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    Ty it works :), but whats the difference?
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    One of them is sending the updated block to the player and the other one isn't. I honestly don't know why.
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    Ok ty. Should I closed this as solved?
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