Cave of Wonders Plugin Minecraft: 1.16.4+

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TourmalineTitan, Jan 14, 2021.

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    Cave of Wonders Plugin

    Minecraft: 1.16.4+

    What I want: This plugin allows the user to define a region where chests will respawn items. The user will install the chests themselves and add the items they want to respawn to each chest. The chests can be only single chests. The user can define an item as a teleport pass. The plugin comes with three default types of passes iron, gold, and diamond. Players should be denied all commands except for chat.

    An iron pass allows a player to teleport into the cave and they have the ability to open and take items outs of chests for a default 20 seconds before being sent back to spawn.

    A gold pass allows the player unlimited time in the cave however, they can only open 7 chests and are sent back to spawn.

    A diamond pass allows a player to open 15 chests and then they are sent back to spawn.

    Users have the ability to set up custom passes for the server the following is an example config.

    Pass Name:

    Time Limit: Yes/No

    Time In Area: Seconds

    Chest Limit: Yes/No

    OpenChestsLimit: ?


    /cave give {player name} pass {pass name}

    /cave create region {name} {x,y,z} {x,y,z}

    /cave del {name}

    /cave region {name} setspawn

    /cave region {name} movespawn


    cave.create – lets you use all the creation commands -lets a rank uses a type of pass

    cave.pass.iron – lets players use the default pass - lets players use the default pass

    cave.pass.di - lets players use the default pass
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