Castle Sabotage

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by B0risPlaysMC, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Offline


    The way the game works is there are 2 teams (Defenders,Attackers). The attackers must kill the king (Minecraft Player B0risPlaysMC) then all the attackers win. The defenders must defend the king within the certain period of time, when the time limit is over (5 Minutes) and the attackers didn't defeat the king the defenders win.
    The king will have 100 hearts and all other players will have regular hearts.

    Attackers are zombie pigman

    Defenders are regular Minecraft skins.

    Can you also Make an option where you can create kits by putting all the stuff in the inventory you want and you wear the armour you want the Attackers or Defenders to wear and have. Then you click the chest in your inventory that says Kits and you can select your kit in the waiting room.

    /cs kit create attackers
    /cs kit create defenders

    Join sign

    [CastleSabotage] If it doesn't fit [CastleSab]

    What the join sign looks when done

    [CastleSabotage] if doesn't fit [CastleSab]
    [Amount of players ex 0/10 or 2/30]

    Leave sign

    [CastleSabotage] if it doesn't fit [CastleSab]

    Admin Commands

    /cs setmainlobby Sets the place where they click the signs to join a game and the end point when a game ends
    /cs setwait [Lobbyname] sets the waiting room for the lobby you want
    /cs arena create [ArenaName] [LobbyName] Select 2 spots with world edit wit //wand
    /cs setspawn defenders [ArenaName] [LobbyName] Amount of spawn number goes up when you make more spawns
    /cs setspawn attackers [ArenaName] [LobbyName] Amount of spawn numbers goes up when you make more spawns
    /cs delspawn defenders [ArenaName] [LobbyName]
    /cs delspawn attackers [ArenaName] [LobbyName]
    /cs kit create attackers
    /cs kit create defenders
    /cs setspawn king [ArenaName] [LobbyName] THERE CAN ONLY BE 1 KING PER ARENA!
    /cs arena finish
    /cs lobby finish
    /cs start [LobbyName]

    Player Commands

    /cs join [LobbyName]
    /cs leave



    Thank you so much for your time in reading this :) if you need any more questions about the description I made please comment below <removed> Thank you :D

    [edit by JaguarJo: removed personal info. Please keep all discussion in the thread. Thanks.]
  2. Offline


    This sounds a lot like Castle Seige on Mineplex

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