Question Can't unload data successfully...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by facuarmo, Apr 6, 2015.

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    Hi guys, I'm experiencing that on my server, it's just bugging every time it reboots, so, I set it to reboot every day at 18:30 hs, then system starts to reboot, but can't stop the server to get it restarted then, it just keeps with "Disabling XXX plugin" message, and never ends the script (stops).

    What happens on console (no errors) (open)
    39 INFO]: [DKLib] Disabling DKLib v1.1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [BossBarMessage] Disabling BossBarMessage v1.2
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [RestartAnnounce] Disabling RestartAnnounce v1.4
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [FG] Disabling ForcedGrammar v1.8.4
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v3.3.1
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [IMGSender] Disabling IMGSender v1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [mcore 7.0.2] Deactivated integration with ProtocolLib
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [SkyWars] Disabling SkyWars v1.4.4
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [SkyWars] Saving configuration
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [SkyWars] Unloading arena world - without saving
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [SkyWars] SkyWars disabled successfully
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [LoginMessagePlugin] Disabling LoginMessagePlugin v1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [LoginMessagePlugin] onDisable has been invoked!
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [CombatLog] Disabling CombatLog v0.1
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [KillConfirm] Disabling KillConfirm v1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [LibelulaProtectionBlocks] Disabling LibelulaProtectionBlocks v1.2.7 Alpha
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [NoteBlockAPI] Disabling NoteBlockAPI v1.1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [DieArrow] Disabling DieArrow v1.0
    [18:39:39 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] Disabling SurvivalGames v0.5.8.54
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] Arena 1 reset. Rolled back 0 blocks in 1 iterations (100 blocks per iteration Total time spent rolling back was 0ms)
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] Arena 2 reset. Rolled back 118 blocks in 1 iterations (100 blocks per iteration Total time spent rolling back was 118ms)
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] Arena 3 reset. Rolled back 0 blocks in 1 iterations. Total time spent rolling back was 0ms
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] Arena 4 reset. Rolled back 0 blocks in 1 iterations. Total time spent rolling back was 0ms
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [SurvivalGames] SurvivalGames version has now been disabled and reset
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [FlashLight] Disabling FlashLight v1.0
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [FlashLight] Flashlight has been disabled.
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [Chat_Saver] Disabling Chat_Saver v1.1
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [Smiley] Disabling Smiley v0.3.1
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [ForceRespawn] Disabling ForceRespawn v1.2.1
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [Beer] Disabling Beer v1.2
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [PingList] Disabling PingList v1.1.3
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [ScrollingSigns] Disabling ScrollingSigns v1.2.3
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [CrackShotShop] Disabling CrackShotShop v0.3
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [iControlU] Disabling iControlU v1.5.9.2
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.2.31-b411
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [mcore] Disabling mcore v7.0.2
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [mcore 7.0.2] Deactivated integration with Vault
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [mcore 7.0.2] Disabled
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [BossSword] Disabling BossSword v0.1
    [18:39:40 INFO]: BossSwordHas Been Disabled!
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [HOLOPopup] Disabling HOLOPopup v2.0
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [PluginManager] Disabling PluginManager v1.2.1
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [MaintenanceManager] Disabling MaintenanceManager v1.03
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [KitBattle] Disabling KitBattle v1.4
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [KitBattle] Has Been Disabled!
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [Kits] Disabling Kits v1.6
    [18:39:40 INFO]: [TuxTwoLib] Disabling TuxTwoLib v1.7.2-b3
    ^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C[02:32:53 INFO]: Stopping server

    So, as you can see on the spoiler, it does nothing that seems to be bad, it just keeps waiting when doing "/stop", right now, there're 02:38 a.m. and I'm feeling with the need to check how the server is working, and I found that; also, this happened too many times (up to 5 times per 10 reboots), so my server is too unsure to be working every day as expected.

    My server is running CraftBukkit 1.7.2 R0.4
  2. Offline


    @facuarmo That's definetly an odd one. Are there still plugins that have not disabled at that point?
  3. Offline


    Hmmm, thanks for your answe; and, I think that there's at least one that isn't getting unload, but if I remove it, it doesn't care, I get the same results, as you can see, console is stuck at

    [18:39:40 INFO]: [TuxTwoLib] Disabling TuxTwoLib v1.7.2-b3
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