UPDATE: I Found it! It was called "SHOPKEEPERS" which is why I couldn't find it by searching for "Trader". ==== Hey there! I just started my bukkit server about 3 months ago, and when I was first tinkering with it, I had a plugin that allowed me to create a trader NPC that traded items for items (Not item for currency), similar to regular villagers. However, I had to delete it from the server, and now, for the life of me I can't remember what it was, or find any NPC Trader plugins that trade items for items! Does anyone have any suggestions? I *THOUGHT* it was dtlTrader for Citizens 2 (Which I have) but that seems to only buying items with currency. I've searched for Traders in the plugins directory and I haven't found anything that describes what I'm looking for, but I must be missing it. I've also looked at UltraTrader and I'm going to replace dtlTrader with that, but I still want an item/item trader. Thanks for your help!