Can't kill CMD.exe with bukkit server in Windows XP?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by BlancoLanda, Oct 8, 2011.

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    That's all... I have a home server for testing in Win XP. Sometimes, when I stop the server, my CMD window gets bugged when it's says: "Press any key to continue...". When that happens there's no way to stop the process! It's not in the proccess tab of windows, it's like an "invisible" CMD.exe , it doesn't let me shutdown or restart my PC, I have to do it clicking the button of my PC...

    Anyway know this, and can give me any fix of this?
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    Thats really wierd. I know my local test server (I run win7) has the press any key to continue, and I just close the window. Are you having any other issues with it or java?
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