cant find a antigreif plugin that works for me, anybody have any to recommend?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Octane, Apr 8, 2011.

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    hi guys, i cannot find a plugin that works for me,

    what i want is this, i install the plugin, put my permissions, SO, admins can destroy all blocks and w/e, now the blocks that anybody places are protected, they own that block that they place, now if a player makes a house, and another player comes along and attacks it, the blocks re-appear, admin comes along, attacks it, blocks stay destroyed, and if fire comes along, it replaces the blocks,

    is there a plugin like that? just spent over 20 mins looking and i dont know if im missing something but so far i cannot find anything other then a logger, and i cannot find anything near being what i want,

    so can anybody help me out? is there one simular to what i just said i have not found it yet or what? thanks!
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    Most people use WorldGuard.
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    with that can i put down a "flag" of a area of say 10000 that it protects peoples stuff in that area? or what?, i want something that is not so manual, something that protects your blocks as you place em, i mean if i could put a "flag" and protect a huge area, then i guess that would do it, and by protect i mean player built stuff, not the dirt or ground
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