Okay. I am having an issue with connecting to my own server. I have no error reports. I am not using any Mods, or plugins of any kind. I am running Windows 10 home. I have an Asus Rog M16 with an Intel Core i9-11900H My GPU is a Nvidia RTX 3060 (Laptop) I have 16GB of RAM. My Minecraft is version 1.18.2 My Java is Every time I start it up, and open my Minecraft Client, it says that it can't connect to server. I have Port Forwarded my router with port 25565 on both UDP, and TCP. I have also restarted my router, and my computer after I added these settings to my router. My server boots up just fine, and I have no error messages: I have tried both the Bukkit Server, and the Minecraft.net Server files. Both give me the same issue. I have looked up many different tutorials on Youtube about this, and none of them have solved my problem. I have requested help from a few of these people who created the tutorials as well. I still have no solution. I have opened up my server.properties file, and set my servers IP to "localhost" and this did not work. I have left this field blank as well. This did not change anything either. As you can see above, I have also set it to my IPv4 address. This does not seem to produce any positive results either. I have added both UDP, and TCP port exceptions for Outgoing, and Incoming in my firewall. I also tested turning off my firewall completely. I have searched on Google many variations of: Cannot connect to bukkit server; Cant connect to my own minecraft server; bukkit server not connecting. I have used the canyouseeme.org tool to check if the 25565 port is open, and it gives me this error: "I could not see your service on ------------ on port (25565)" Also, If it matters, I have an asus RT-AX56U router. So somehow, after all of this, the port is still not open. I have tried asking two of my friends who own their own Minecraft servers. Neither of them were able to help me with this. Basically, what my question is: How can I open the port 25565? I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me something that I missed that could rectify this issue. If no one does know a solution to this, then does anyone possibly have an idea that might lead to a solution? Or where/who might I ask to get this problem solved?
did you connect to localhost? if yes did you buy minecraft? if you did buy minecraft can you send us a log of your minecraft client and server of you trying to connect to the server
@DopeBrot Please also check the last time somebody was online. And NEVER suggest offline mode as it is against the rules here.