Cannot cast CraftBlockState to Sign

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Debels, Sep 18, 2013.

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    I'm having this strange error while casting from BlockState to Sign, I say strange since I have done this many times now, what could be causing it?
    The error is on line 4 on the following:
    1. Sign s = null;
    2. final Location l = b.getLocation();
    3. if (l.add(1, 0, 0).getBlock().getType()==Material.WALL_SIGN){
    4. s = (Sign) l.add(1, 0, 0).getBlock().getState();
    5. }

    b is referring to "Block b" which in the moment of the error was a block of Stone (I know it doesn't matter, just to say its not null)
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    Simple. Your location l, in the evaluation part of the if-statement you are adding 1, 0, 0 to it. And checking if the block at its position is a sign. Then, when you cast, you take the already modified location and add 1, 0, 0 to it yet again, The location is now no longer at the sign location. See now? :)
    tommycake50 likes this.
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    Hmmm I thought that by making the Location final it wouldn't be affected by the add, thanks.
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    Declaring the variable final only means you cannot change the reference. The object will still be mutable.
    Janmm14 likes this.
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