Solved Cannons

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Funergy, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hello guys,

    I'm creating cannons. It will have:
    • A list of locations where the primed TNT can land
    • I will shoot the TNT when a button has been clicked
    • The primed TNT will go up and then land on a random location from the list

    The problem:
    The problem is the velocity of the TNT it just flies super far and never lands on the defined location.

    What I have:
    I will not give out the locations where it should land, because its pretty easy
    I store the button location as a key and then as value an ArrayList where 4 locations are in (HashMap).
    And then I return the HashMap.

    The part where I create the primed TNT:​
     TNTPrimed tnt = e.getClickedBlock().getWorld().spawn(part.get(CannonParts.FIRE), TNTPrimed.class);
                        tnt.setVelocity(((Location) Cannons.getVoteHandler().activeMap.getCannonHitLoc().get(e.getClickedBlock().getLocation())
                        .toArray()[new Random().nextInt(4)])
                        .add(new Vector(0, 2, 0)

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    b u m p
  3. Offline


    It is extremely difficult to calculate a velocity vector that will result in your TNT landing on a specific place. But doing a "normalize().multiply(speed)" will help make things more sane.

    You could instead choose from 4 random vectors, and then tweak those vectors until they do about what you want.
  4. Offline


    Maybe try with this code:

    public static Vector calculateVelocity(Vector from, Vector to, int heightGain)
            // Gravity of a potion
            double gravity = 0.115;
            // Block locations
            int endGain = to.getBlockY() - from.getBlockY();
            double horizDist = Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(from, to));
            // Height gain
            int gain = heightGain;
            double maxGain = gain > (endGain + gain) ? gain : (endGain + gain);
            // Solve quadratic equation for velocity
            double a = -horizDist * horizDist / (4 * maxGain);
            double b = horizDist;
            double c = -endGain;
            double slope = -b / (2 * a) - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a);
            // Vertical velocity
            double vy = Math.sqrt(maxGain * gravity);
            // Horizontal velocity
            double vh = vy / slope;
            // Calculate horizontal direction
            int dx = to.getBlockX() - from.getBlockX();
            int dz = to.getBlockZ() - from.getBlockZ();
            double mag = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz);
            double dirx = dx / mag;
            double dirz = dz / mag;
            // Horizontal velocity components
            double vx = vh * dirx;
            double vz = vh * dirz;
            return new Vector(vx, vy, vz);
        private static double distanceSquared(Vector from, Vector to)
            double dx = to.getBlockX() - from.getBlockX();
            double dz = to.getBlockZ() - from.getBlockZ();
            return dx * dx + dz * dz;
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  6. Offline


    Say thanks also for autor of this code :D
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  8. Offline


    +1 for the fanciest post ever :3
    Sethbling, He probably got that from my post.
    Also, your gravity is wrong. that's the POTION GRAVITY.
  9. Offline


    I know
    he must change this
  10. Offline


    @Plugers11 I didnt need to change it its good enough.
    ChipDev likes this.
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