Cancel certain ender pearl hit player events

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nuno1212sss, Mar 1, 2015.

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    Hello, I'm creating a spectator plugin(Yes, I know about gamemode 3 but I don't want to use it) and I want to cancel the teleport that is done when an ender pearl hits a player, here is what I have done so far
     else if (!damaged.isPlaying() && e.getDamager() instanceof EnderPearl) {
                final Player spec = (Player) e.getEntity();
                final Location initialSpec = spec.getLocation();
                final Vector initialProjectileV = e.getDamager().getVelocity();
                final Location initialProjectileL = e.getDamager().getLocation();
                final EnderPearl p = (EnderPearl) e.getDamager();
                final Player shooter = (Player) p.getShooter();
                new BukkitRunnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        EnderPearl l = initialProjectileL.getWorld().spawn(initialProjectileL, EnderPearl.class);
                }.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
                new BukkitRunnable() {
                    public void run() {
                }.runTaskLater(plugin, 10L);
    This causes the player to get teleported twice.
    Any help would be apreciated.
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    You summon an enderpearl at the hitting location, and you teleport the shooter manually too. The shooter will be teleported from the sumonned enderpearl too. I think it's useless.
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    @bazsi700 I know that, but I don't want the first teleport to take place. That's why I cancel the event, but it stills teleports the player
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    Ahh I understood. You cancel the damage event, not the enderpearl. You have to listen to PlayerTeleportEvent, and if it's cause is ENDER_PEARL then cancel it.
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    @bazsi700 That will cancel ALL teleports, not just the teleport that I want to be cancelled
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    @nuno1212sss No. If the CAUSE of the event is ENDER_PEARL, then only ender pearl teleports will be cancelled. Not all teleports.
    For your info, enderpearls don't "hit" entities, nor do they damage them, so event.getDamager() would never be an enderpearl.
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    @Hex_27 Wrong, they do, and they cancel all the ENDER PEARL teleports, not just the ones that I want :D
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