Solved Can somone help me?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MinezBombz, Sep 23, 2014.

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    Okay, so I planning on making a plugin when you put on a 'Diamond Helmet' you will get 'Invisibility' for 5 seconds, then have a 20 second delay. After the delay the 'Invisibility' will come back and the loop will continue. Then when you take the helmet off the potion effect will go. Could someone please tell me how I would go around doing this.
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    MinezBombz Start a scheduler that goes off every 500 ticks. Loop through all the online players then check if the player has the helmet on and give them invisibility for 5 seconds. Or you could check when they put the helmet on and add them to an array list and loop through the array list to get the players instead.
    MinezBombz likes this.
  3. Offline


    Skionz Okay, thank you very much.
    Skionz likes this.
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